Scottish Word: Athegither.
“Ah’ll hae a wee whisky an wid ye mak it a double seein it’s a gey dreich day. Och mebbe ye should mak it intae a hot toddy athegither” Translate: athegither: altogether, all as one, in … Continue reading Athegither.
“Ah’ll hae a wee whisky an wid ye mak it a double seein it’s a gey dreich day. Och mebbe ye should mak it intae a hot toddy athegither” Translate: athegither: altogether, all as one, in … Continue reading Athegither.
“Yir nithin but an athegither kithan an ye dress like een anaw.” Translate: kithan: rascal, blackguard, a tricky person. “You are nothing but a complete blackguard and you dress like one as well.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Kithan.