Scottish Word: Awfy.
“Ahm tellin ye Prozack we’re well oot o it, flittin, it’s only a matter o time til the auld bauchle faws and drops oor universe while exercisin up an doon the stairs. Particularly wi those awfie … Continue reading Awfy.
“Ahm tellin ye Prozack we’re well oot o it, flittin, it’s only a matter o time til the auld bauchle faws and drops oor universe while exercisin up an doon the stairs. Particularly wi those awfie … Continue reading Awfy.
“That’s the last o ma shin ya wee coofs – will ye cease that awfy yaw!” Translate: yaw: caterwaul, wail. “That is the last of my shoes you little louts – will you cease that awful … Continue reading Yaw.
“Yiv an awfy lot o foam on yer swats the-nicht.” Translate: swats: newly brewed weak beer. “You have a shocking amount of foam on your new brew tonight.” The Scottish Word: swats with its definition and … Continue reading Swats.
“Fur a Prophet yir an awfy sclaff aboot in them sandals.” Translate: sclaff: flat footed, shuffle. “For a Prophet you are a terrible flat footed shuffler in these sandals.” The Scottish Word: sclaff with its definition … Continue reading Sclaff.
“…an it swelled up awfy, still it’s a right shooglie tram richt enough but Dalmuir to Uddingston an back taks ma sour dook tae jist the right consistency an speakin o sour dook is that no … Continue reading Shoogle.
‘In the name o the wee man! You’re an awfy snotter-box the-day of aw days.’ Translate: snotter-box: full of mucus. ‘Heavens! You are a terrible source of mucus today of all days.’ Say Pants to Poverty … Continue reading Snotter-box.