Scottish Word: Awricht.
“Hoi! Hoi you! Is it awricht if I chap wi this thing or is there a door bell for the sake of safety?” Translate: awricht: all right, permissible, allowable. “Hoi! Hoi you! Is it permissible to … Continue reading Awricht.
“Hoi! Hoi you! Is it awricht if I chap wi this thing or is there a door bell for the sake of safety?” Translate: awricht: all right, permissible, allowable. “Hoi! Hoi you! Is it permissible to … Continue reading Awricht.
Here’s hoo its goin tae go doon. As ye weel ken – us cats rule the multiverses – as it’s aye been – and it’ll go very bad for your species if ye deal oot onie … Continue reading Kippage.
Och faither yer scratcher time cuik buik’s awricht in its way. But dae ye no hae a vegan version? Ahm seek o meat, ah dinni mind tellin ye. And scoffin less o it is one wey … Continue reading Cuik.
“Aye, it seems fine tae me, we’re awricht, it’s no a vacuum efter aw. If it wiz oor erses’d be tae the wind wi-oot oor stievel breeks oan. Wooly long johns is nae protection I can … Continue reading Steivel.
“He’ll be awricht in a minute, it’s the first time he’s seen trollie-bags stewn aboot willy nilly – or aataw for that matter.” Translate: trollie-bags: intestines or entrails. “He will be fine in a minute, it … Continue reading Trollie-bags.
“Yer awricht so far, try gi’in it a harder pou.” Translate: pou: pull. “You’re all right so far, try giving it a harder pull.” The Scottish Word: pou with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Pou.