Scottish Word: Skinkle.
I mind when this wiz packed fou o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
I mind when this wiz packed fou o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
“Ah’ve taen a swatch at yir Constable unner the X-ray an it’s a fake yir Lordship.” Translate: swatch: look, examine. “I have taken a look at your Constable under the X-ray and it is a forgery … Continue reading Swatch.