“Uh oh! If I was you I’d untaigle massel dead quick.” Translate: untaigle: untangle. “Uh oh! If I was you I would untangle myself with the most extreme utter urgency.” Instict – several instincts about to … Continue reading Untaigle. →
Scottish Word: Taigle.

“Yir taiglin the cleek -awa an use another cludgie.” Translate: taigle: tangle, muddle, hinder. “You are hindering the working of the pit – go and use another toilet.” The Scottish Word: taigle with its definition and … Continue reading Taigle. →

That’s the benefit o sniffer snakes oer yer bludhoons, ye dinni need tae kert aroond heavy manacles. Ye jist fling the snake at yer miscreant ahn it taigles him up an it diz aw the restraining … Continue reading Rinagate. →

“Wha installed this taigle o pipes in here in the first place? That’s what I want to ken. An what sort o muckle knapdarloch fitted in here tae dae it!” Translate: knapdarloch: contemptuous term for an … Continue reading Knapdarloch. →
Scottish Word: Creel.

“He’s makin a good job o tryin tae tak yir fingers off Ike, despite bein weel taigled in the remains o the creel” Translate: creel: lobster pot, fish trap. “He is making a good job of … Continue reading Creel. →