Scottish Word: Tak.
Noo… we tak turns tae hud the floating table doon. When mistress Hippo taks a bite o cake we hud it doon an when we tak a bite o cake she huds it doon. She huds … Continue reading Tak.
Noo… we tak turns tae hud the floating table doon. When mistress Hippo taks a bite o cake we hud it doon an when we tak a bite o cake she huds it doon. She huds … Continue reading Tak.
I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
I dinni miss them that I used tae cairt aboot nor them that were on mha road for I wid be sure tae tyne their life. It’s cos o them that I huv no contact wi … Continue reading Tyne.
I jist think were gonna get done fur cheatin. First, oor towein sharks are clearly visibill, second we’re no rowin, an third, pets are forbidden tae tak pairt in the race. Ahn tae tap it aw … Continue reading Tap.
Awa ben the hoose a start on yer homework, yer skoosh is on the table unner the monitor. I’ll bring through yer tea when it’s ready. It’s yer favourite. Chook an chips. Translate: ben: inside, indoors, … Continue reading Ben.
Richt bairns, tak yer granny ashore tae a toasty tea room There’s a sair haar movin in oer the water ahn it’s like tae jeel me tae mha banes. Gleg like noo. Translate: haar: A cold … Continue reading Haar.
OK … it’s a braw menu an I’ve ordered the mergh rich shin bone wi a liver pâté an a side o lettuce. Ahn I ken it’s a howf whaur ye kin eat in yer bath … Continue reading Mergh.
Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch.
Tak a guid luik. If’n ye can see it. Ye dinni see them affen cos humans are aye luikin tae kill them. Because they think they’re dangerous since they’re gigantic, silent, strang an nearly invisible in … Continue reading Luik.