“Gies ma tam o shanter back here ye black fisherin wee bedriten skelf o a pup ye, an dinni get that toorie drookit.” Translate: tam o shanter: a man’s round flat-crowned woolen cap often with a … Continue reading Tam o shanter. →

“… Wow, but your letter made me vauntie! And are ye hale, and weel, and cantie? I kenn’d it still your wee bit jauntie Wad bring ye to: Lord send you ay as weel’s I want … Continue reading Vauntie. →

“Weel done Cutty-sark!” Excerpt from the poem: “…But here my Muse her wing maun couer; Sic flights are far beyond her pow’r; To sing how Nannie lap and flang, (A souple jade she was, and strang), … Continue reading Cutty-sark. →
bagpipes, burns, church, dance, devil, fire, horns, meg, ruin, skulls, tam o shanter, witch, witches Scottish Word: Toorie.

Going by the contermacious invious expression on its dovie pan I think it got it intae it’s skull that it wants yer woolly hat wi the sonsie toorie for itsell. Its nae chance though, dafty that … Continue reading Toorie. →