‘Dinni fash yersell, he’s an olympic zero, he’ll be gey lucky tae hit the tattie-bogle, never mind us.’ Translate: tattie-bogle: scarecrow. ‘Don’t worry he’ll be very lucky to even hit the scarecrow, never mind us.’ The … Continue reading Tattie-bogle. →
Scottish Word: Soond.

I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond. →

Thon giant zombie took me by surprise ye ken. I managed tae bash its brains oot wi my machete afore I realised I wiz wantin an erm. Guid job ah’m corrie fisted. It wisni till I … Continue reading Wantin an Erm. →
Scottish Word: Pirl.

Stop pirlin yir peas roon yir plate an plooin yer tatties wi yir fork. Ah ken whit yer efter ah’n yer no gettin any o it, either o ye, till ye clear yer plate. Translate: pirl: … Continue reading Pirl. →
Scottish Word: Jine.

Goldilocks with the three bears, at supper instead of breakfast, addressing the Haggis; “Wee chieftain o the pudden race, hunted by the fierce o face, slaverin an snortin an fu o fang nae matter that yiv … Continue reading Jine. →

“Ah’d like fried bacon wi the tattie scones also fried but wi ma black puddin grilled along wi a tomato, jist cut in half mind. An I’m no wantin link sausages, I’ll hae lorne, twa slices, … Continue reading Lorne Sausage. →
Scottish Word: Home
Home of Scottish Words Illustrated. The Scottish Language is full of attitude, great on the ear, emotive, and the words are not too far from English which makes them globally accessible. I hear and speak … Continue reading Home →
Scottish Word: Scone.

“A dinni huv tae taste them quizmaster – the tattie scone is the triangular one! The other is a fruit scone – raisin if ahm no mistaken” Translate: scone: a cake made on a girdle or … Continue reading Scone. →
Scottish Word: Sonsie.

“…The neeps and tatties and mushy peas, stert workin like a gentle breeze, but soon the puddin wi the sonsie face, will hae ye blawin aw ower the place…” Translate: sonsie: substantial, impressive, handsome, big. “…The … Continue reading Sonsie. →
bar, barmaid, beer, crowd, cue, food, glasses, haggis, nose, pool, pub, smell, turnip Scottish Word: Howk.

“Sic guid seasonal earnings winni gang awa. Nae machine will ivver howk tatties oot o the glaur fitlike hauns can – it canni de done, happy days.” Translate: howk: dig out. “Such opportunity for earning substantial … Continue reading Howk. →