Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither. →

“Ah’ll hae a wee whisky an wid ye mak it a double seein it’s a gey dreich day. Och mebbe ye should mak it intae a hot toddy athegither” Translate: athegither: altogether, all as one, in … Continue reading Athegither. →

“Get a bit mair aw thegither… a bit mair… ah that’s better.” Translate: thegither: together. “Could you get a little bit more all together… a little bit more… ah that’s better.” The Scottish Word: thegither with … Continue reading Thegither. →
Scottish Word: Soond.

I’m going to share mha secret scone recipe on this wax cylinder furlie for aw youz in the future. Whit can ah say, ahm a techie. Ah hope ye enjoy mha soond effects. “Sift 32oz, o … Continue reading Soond. →
Scottish Word: Pit.

Pit the brick back – if you can keek oot the Ogre can keek in. We dinni want him tae ken we’ve got a hidie-hole in his castle ahn him wi no kennin o a wey … Continue reading Pit. →

The loun loves tae see the Hogmanay in wi his vegan slug juice. But the fasherie thon stuff brings isnae real. The slugs robbed o their usual fare tae mak it are eatin oor food noo. … Continue reading Fasherie. →

Gi’im peace woman it soothers the loun in this time o trial. It cam in wi the flotsam frae the noo gigantic gyres o aw the junk frae aw the flooded leids aroond the warld. Gaithered … Continue reading Soother. →
Scottish Word: Sooth.

Ahm frae the Sooth ahn the Sooth’s whaur the suffering’s sair ahn weary langtime frae global warming. Floods, fire, famine, landslides, heat, drought and death. The carbon footprint generated by the siller-gruppit North is a hunner … Continue reading Sooth. →
Scottish Word: Brent.

John Anderson, my jo, John, When we were first acquent; Your locks were like the raven, Your bonnie brow was brent; But now your brow is beld, John, Your locks are like the snaw; But blessings … Continue reading Brent. →

I’m ‘feuach’ o mha fit tae hunker-bane, deef – gless-ee’d an stumpy. But wi my cairtie douchty n virr – nithin daunted – hardy, we maun-dae. Nae ben, heich, heuch or brae will stap or stint … Continue reading Hunker-bane. →