Scottish Word: Thole.
Ah canni thole this torture onie longer John. Dae yer duty. Tie yer unbrakable cord fast tae this damned tuith ahn kick the bricks oer the cliff. Dinni look sae worried MAN! Ahm no goin anywhere … Continue reading Thole.
Ah canni thole this torture onie longer John. Dae yer duty. Tie yer unbrakable cord fast tae this damned tuith ahn kick the bricks oer the cliff. Dinni look sae worried MAN! Ahm no goin anywhere … Continue reading Thole.
They’re endangered eneuch as it is wi-oot haein tae thole a hallach bike ride like thon. Mind tho – It’s guid tae see the auld explorer daein the richt thing an makin sure they’ve their safety … Continue reading Eneuch.