Scottish Word: Thon.

“Aye weel Janus it’s thon time o year again.” Translate: thon: indicating something more remote from a person than another or others. “Yes indeed Janus it is that time of year again.” The Scottish Word: thon … Continue reading Thon. →
beard, blind, crow, crows, eye, eyes, god, gods, helmet, raven, sandals, staff, stick, toga Scottish Word: Cairry

He couldni be in better hauns than wee Hoolet Erchie there to be cairried forrit into the New Year. He’s nivir drapped a soul yet twixt one year an the next. Mind his pipe leaves an … Continue reading Cairry →
Scottish Word: Hotch.

Gaffer are ye sure ye didni feel thon hotch or hear thon splash? I’m sure I heard it despite the niver endin muittit moaning o this wanless wancheery whale? Mind, there’s red nebbed whale free-ers in … Continue reading Hotch. →
Scottish Word: Cantle.

It’s a fash tae me hoo his glamouried ivy an holly wreath cantled wi mistletoe along wi his favourite herbal medicinal smoke on top o several glasses of Fortified Cranberry Juice is no sootherin his feuch. … Continue reading Cantle. →
Scottish Word: Moyen.

Staun bye Dusknötte! Here’s a guid sturdy gowf tae the back o yer napper. It’ll poust even mair stievely yer moyen oot o yer bonnie blue een tae bring thon Xburd doon. I read it in … Continue reading Moyen. →
Scottish Word: Doxy.

What am I daein here stuck wi you, ya doxy walrus and thon Orca that canni mak a decent cocktail if his life depended on it. No craik, nae farin, nae gemms, nae jiggin, nae singin, … Continue reading Doxy. →
Scottish Word: Rooze.

Jings, we didni hauf rooze up thon bear by peltin it wi stanes. Oniegate we’re sauf noo Erchie, she’ll be awa lickin her birses at hame. C’mon oot – nae worries, she disni ken aboot this … Continue reading Rooze. →

The loun loves tae see the Hogmanay in wi his vegan slug juice. But the fasherie thon stuff brings isnae real. The slugs robbed o their usual fare tae mak it are eatin oor food noo. … Continue reading Fasherie. →
Scottish Word: Baigie.

Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie. →

This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet. →