Scottish Word: Thoucht.
“Thanks fur the tree an I ken it’s no a toy. But guys. Youz are gonna huv tae gie a lot mair thoucht tae issues tae dae wi scale an that.” Translate: thoucht: thought. “Thanks for … Continue reading Thoucht.
“Thanks fur the tree an I ken it’s no a toy. But guys. Youz are gonna huv tae gie a lot mair thoucht tae issues tae dae wi scale an that.” Translate: thoucht: thought. “Thanks for … Continue reading Thoucht.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
Jings, ah doot it’s snawed a guid deal mair than we thoucht since this morning. Nae wonder we struggled tae find the path back doon. Still, it’s no so bad noo tho. Translate: sna, snaw: snow. … Continue reading Snaw.
This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet.
The grochlin ‘n gobbin as he creeps aboot the tunnels aye gies plenty o warnin Gollum’s aboot. Guid job he disni ken we kin climb up oot o the watter tae hide amongst the stalactites, cracks … Continue reading Grochle.
Och it’s jist a falset neb! I thoucht yer choller had swollen. It wiz sonsie mind, ye ken. Translate: choller: double chin, wattles of a cock Gosh it is just a false nose. I thought your … Continue reading Choller.
No I’m no gien mha whisky tae the dug. The thoucht! That’d be daft. An’ cruel. He’s getting his Hogmanay treat o a bittie oatcake wi dods o some crowdie. Made frae the donations o Elsie … Continue reading Crowdie.
It’s awfie hamely o ye tae gie me a wee shottie fur the simmer. Yer a guid man Mr Flowerdew. I ayewis thoucht I’d like a go at butlering efter retiring frae gairdnerin. The extra siller’ll … Continue reading Hamely.
Hoo’d a thoucht that yer cranniewanny clook wid be as teuch tae manicure as yer ither clooks eh? Did ye ken I mak doon the nail shavins an sell the pouder as sneeshin? An I must … Continue reading Cranniewanny.
It’s grand tae see a chook pouked wi care an consideration by a person instead o hunners by factory machines. I ken yer bunnets for its giblets but I wanted tae show ma appreciation wi a … Continue reading Pouk.