Scottish Word: Thoumb.
“Ooooyah! Ah dinni care that yer the sair lug an thoumb pixie an it’s yer job – yer gettin a beltin.” Translate: thoumb: thumb. “Oooooyah! I don’t care if you are the sore ear and thumb … Continue reading Thoumb.
“Ooooyah! Ah dinni care that yer the sair lug an thoumb pixie an it’s yer job – yer gettin a beltin.” Translate: thoumb: thumb. “Oooooyah! I don’t care if you are the sore ear and thumb … Continue reading Thoumb.
Been bit by a rushyroo hiv ye? Fit a scash aboot nithin ya muckle daeless fouterin gowk ye, they’re nae bigger than yer faither’s thoumb. Translate: rushyroo: the shrew. Been bitten by a shrew have you? … Continue reading Rushyroo.
“Yeth Mathter it ith indeed a complexth and tricky prothedure but twa thoumbs definithely helpths.” Translate: twa: two. “Yes Master it is indeed a complex and tricky procedure but two thumbs definitely helps.” Modify Discworld. Igors … Continue reading Twa.