Scottish Word: Tint.
On Celebrated Lawyers. He clenched his pamphlets in his fist, He quoted and he hinted, Till, in a declamation-mist, His argument he tint it: He gaiped for ‘t, he graiped for ‘t, He fand it was awa, man; … Continue reading Tint.
On Celebrated Lawyers. He clenched his pamphlets in his fist, He quoted and he hinted, Till, in a declamation-mist, His argument he tint it: He gaiped for ‘t, he graiped for ‘t, He fand it was awa, man; … Continue reading Tint.
Weel done min, Captain Frumpsqualler the first is noo straicht jist like ye straichtened Skew Bazzer Whiffington ahn the ithers, but ah see Baw Graip Clatterbutt the third is noo the squint yin. Ye’ll hae tae … Continue reading Squint.