Scottish Word: Tirl.

Why are you Sol System ingineers still uisin engines wi physical nuts n bolts ye hae tae tirl n birl wi spanners? It’s sooo tiresome. Yiv got access nooadays tae yer modern temporal-oxy-flow-fusion-unity jints, smart-quark-unipolar-iso-belter-bandsters, kinetic-inertia-damper-snecks, … Continue reading Tirl. →
Scottish Word: Tirlie.

“Spankie like noo lads! Ah need tae be awa shairp like wi the tirlie fully chairged tae win.” Translate: tirlie: something which curls, spins, or twirls round; an intricate device or mechanism. “Nimble and quick now … Continue reading Tirlie. →
action, automobile, car, cars, clockwork, cloud, convertible, fire extinguisher, helmet, key, red Scottish Word: Hurdie.

Tirl yer hurdies tae peddle wi fury or we’ll sin be deid reid meat scauddit by yin o them beguessit steam scoots. Ye didni hire a pyntin puggie fer nithin, we ken the weys tae safe … Continue reading Hurdie. →
Scottish Word: Thirl.

“Ah’ve disabled the thirling beam an the scowdering ray, jist till Ye’ve passed yer test ye understand.” Translate: thirl, tirl: pierce, bore through, perforate. “I have disabled the perforating beam and the scorching ray, just until … Continue reading Thirl. →