Scottish Word: Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
“Ach this jaur’s fair toom an nae mistake.” Translate: jaur: jar. “Dear me, this jar’s rather empty and no mistake.” The Scottish Word: toom with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Jaur.