Scottish Word: Tottie.

“Go oan, a tottie bit’ll nae dae ye oanie herm.” Translate: tottie: tiny, small. “Go on, a tiny bit will not do you any harm.” The Scottish Word: tottie with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Tottie. →
ancestors, barbecue, caveman, cavemen, cook, cooking, fire, food, hunting, knife, loincloth, meat, roast, spear, spit, tattoo Scottish Word: Speir.

“Whaur’s the wee tottie man wha lives under the stairs?” Speired the anemone man. Translate: speir: enquire, ask a question. “Where’s the little tiny man who lives under the stairs?” Enquired the anemone man. The Scottish … Continue reading Speir. →