Scottish Word: Tounser.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
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Scottish Word Quizzes This page links to all the Word quizzes on the stooryduster site. NEW: Scottish Insults Quiz. Scottish friends when they meet are more likely to use an insult to greet each other rather … Continue reading Quizzes