Scottish Word: Tuith.
“There ye go Tarkus, nae mair tuith pain jist a bit o ah sair heid fur a wee while.” Translate: tuith: tooth. “There you go Tarkus, no more tooth pain, just a slight sore head for … Continue reading Tuith.
“There ye go Tarkus, nae mair tuith pain jist a bit o ah sair heid fur a wee while.” Translate: tuith: tooth. “There you go Tarkus, no more tooth pain, just a slight sore head for … Continue reading Tuith.
“Aye… it’s one o yir aisle-teeth, it’s needin a pou.” Translate: aisle-tuith: a biscupid tooth, a molar. “Yes… it’s one of your bicuspid teeth, it is needing pulled out.” The Scottish Word: aisle tuith with its … Continue reading Aisle-tuith.
Ah canni thole this torture onie longer John. Dae yer duty. Tie yer unbrakable cord fast tae this damned tuith ahn kick the bricks oer the cliff. Dinni look sae worried MAN! Ahm no goin anywhere … Continue reading Thole.
Staun bye chiels, I see the spune oan its wye. Get ready tae pit yer backs intae it eneuch tae strain them tuith bandits. Mak that fitwhirlie dirl tae clap the chafts richt weel. Translate: chaft: … Continue reading Chaft.