Scottish Word: Tumshie.
Weel coo, it seems it’s jist you ahn me fur the guising. Mind you there could be oniebody oot here in this mirk for aw the licht this tumshie lantern’s giein us. Translate: tumshie: turnip, a … Continue reading Tumshie.
Weel coo, it seems it’s jist you ahn me fur the guising. Mind you there could be oniebody oot here in this mirk for aw the licht this tumshie lantern’s giein us. Translate: tumshie: turnip, a … Continue reading Tumshie.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow.
Whitivir ye dae hud ticht tae the lugs an dinni let go otherwyse they forget we’re oan their backs in control ahn stert tae stravaig aw oer the place. They’re that tumshie heidit. It’s the cost … Continue reading Otherwyse.