“Ooooyah! That soonded like a twa hipper skite tae me.” Translate: twa hipper skite: two hip slip (both broken). “Ouch! That sounded like a two hip slip to me.” confined. See all my IF thumbnails and … Continue reading Twa hipper skite. →
Scottish Word: Twa.

“Yeth Mathter it ith indeed a complexth and tricky prothedure but twa thoumbs definithely helpths.” Translate: twa: two. “Yes Master it is indeed a complex and tricky procedure but two thumbs definitely helps.” Modify Discworld. Igors … Continue reading Twa. →
Scottish Word: Fou.

The clachan yill had made me canty, I was na fou, but just had plenty: I stacher’d whyles, but yet took tent ay To free the ditches; An’ hillocks, stanes, an’ bushes, kend ay Frae ghaists … Continue reading Fou. →

Oooyah! Ah thocht ye were a gowster for certie there Widdles. That wiz a close squeek, yir cheese is in twa. Translate: gowster: goner, turned into a ghost. Oh my gosh! I thought you were a … Continue reading Gowster. →
Scottish Word: Knap.

Onie mair o yer snash an I’ll gie ye anither knap or twa or three tae mind ye yer manners. Translate: knap: A lump, bump, any rounded knob; a knot or protuberance; to knock, strike sharply, … Continue reading Knap. →

“The Gods are telling yez two stories. Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. Neibours o sorts. Ahn by the depth o yer hypocrisie anent tae them twa tales is the depth o the level o the pits o Hell … Continue reading Neibour. →

Ye did very weel no buryin mha wee dug when ye heard it scartin n screevin oan the lid o its kist. But I’m no peyin. Will I whuffle. It’s no my fault ye howkit a … Continue reading Whuffle. →
Scottish Word: Theek.

He’s refusin to wear oor safety equipment chusin insteid the theek n sicker o his grannies pouer fankled (knitted) long johns as bein literally bullet proof. He sez he kens hoo cauld the burns get here … Continue reading Theek. →

He’s blawin an bleezin like there’s nae-the-morra. Keep drappin the white goods oan his napper afore he brings the hail hoose doon. Jist like he did wi youz twa’s ricklie biggit examples. Dinni miss noo! Dunt … Continue reading Bleezin. →

Weel da, I’m namin this wee tiddler Baldur twa fin an settin him go in celebration o da simmer dim. We’ve fed weel the nicht so shuid be graitfu, and show it, no? Translate: simmer dim: … Continue reading Simmer Dim. →