ca' | caa | caw |
kɑ |
to call, to name, summon |
in context |
ca' | caa | caw |
urge on, to drive in |
in context |
ca' | caa | caw |
keep in motion, turning, skipping |
in context |
ca' | caa | caw |
kɑˈawɑ |
be driven, drive, keep going, drive in (hammering) |
in context |
caw'd |
called |
in context |
caw canny |
kɑˈkanɪ |
proceed warily |
in context |
ca' the cows oot o the kail-yaird |
perform a very simple act |
ca' someone for awthin |
verbally rubbish someone's reputation or person, verbal abuse |
ca' thro' |
kɑˈθru |
work on heartily |
caak |
cackle |
cabbitch |
cabbage |
cabble |
quarrel |
caber |
ˈkebər |
a big heavy pole, straight slender tree trunk |
toss the caber |
lift and throw the caber end over end so it lands at 12 o'clock - straight on - not having turned to any degree to either side - a sport at a Highland Games |
cabbrach, cabroch |
ˈkabrəx |
lean, scraggy |
cack | cawk | kach | keech |
kak |
human excrement, or to poop = void excrement |
in context |
cackie |
covered in human excrement |
caddie |
ˈkadɪ |
carrier, bearer, the helper who carries the golf clubs |
cadge |
shake roughly, knock about |
in context |
cadge |
peddle wares, carry, beg, sponge |
cadger |
ˈkadʒər |
buyer and seller of no fixed abode, disagreeable person, a sponger |
cadie |
a mans cap |
cadgy |
cheerful |
caduak |
an accidental gain |
caff | cauf | cauff | cawf |
chaff for stuffing matresses |
cahoutchie | cahoochie |
kaˈhutʃı |
rubber |
cailleach |
ˈkeljəx |
an old woman, the last sheaf of corn |
caip | kaip |
cope, coping stone |
caird |
playing card, tinker |
cairiage, cairriage |
carriage |
cairiet |
carried |
cairn |
kern |
a pyramid of loose stones, esp on hilltops and mountain tops |
cairngorm |
a yellowish semi precious stone to be found when walking on the Cairngorm plateau - if you've a good eye and a bit of luck |
cairpet |
ˈkerpɪt |
carpet |
cairt |
kert |
map |
cairtie | cairt |
kert |
cart go-cart |
in context |
cairts |
playing cards |
in context |
cairry | kerry | cairrie | cairry |
carry |
in context |
cairry-on, kerry-on |
mischevious behaviour |
in context |
cairry-oot, kerry-oot |
collection of drinks being taken to a party, a collection of drink from a visit to an off-license |
in context |
caition |
deposit, caution |
caiver | caver |
mumble |
cake |
cake but often meaning an oatcake |
nae worth yin cake |
worthless |
caleery |
ˈkəˈlirɪ |
frivolous |
callan | callant |
a customer, associate, youth |
caller | callour |
fresh caught, picked or gathered, cool, refreshing |
in context |
calshie |
kalʃɪ |
surly |
cam |
kɑm |
came |
in context |
caman |
the wooden club, or stick as it is now known, used in the game of shinty |
in context |
camceil |
ˈkamˈsil |
sloping ceiling |
in context |
cammelt |
crooked |
campioun |
champion |
in context |
camshauchle | camshachle |
ˈkamˈʃɑxl |
distorted, bent, twisted |
camsheuch |
ˈkamˈʃux |
crabbed, cross grained, surly, perverse |
camsteirie | camsteerie | camstairie |
kamˈsterı |
perverse, difficult to comprehend, inconsistent and conflicting, a complete pain in the arse |
in context |
can | kin |
may / can |
in context |
canallyie | canally |
kə′nɑlı |
rabble, a mob |
in context |
candibrod |
sugar-candy |
cangle |
kaŋl |
wrangle |
canker |
fret, become ill tempered |
cankerit |
ill-tempered |
canna | canny | cannae |
may not / cannot |
in context |
cannach |
ˈkanəx |
cotton grass |
cannie | canny | kanny |
careful, prudent, also dexterous, skillful |
in context |
cannie | canny |
exceptional, bringing luck, supernatural, not of this world |
in context |
cannie | canny |
kind, pleasant |
in context |
canniest |
quietest |
canny gaun |
easy going |
cant |
sing softly, tell old stories |
cantie | canty |
cheerful, happy, contented |
in context |
cantle |
build, set on high aslo strengthen, to stimulate |
in context |
cantrip | cantraip | cantrap | cantrup |
magic spell, a piece of mischief |
in context |
cantrum |
a mischievous idea |
in context |
caochan |
kɛxən |
a stream, or the fermented brew before the process of distillation into spirits |
cap |
wooden cup or bowl |
He's as fou as cap or staup'll mak him |
completely drunk - as inebriated as cup or tap will make him |
caper |
a bit of oatcake with butter and some good cheese - perfect to go with a nice distilled malt spirit |
capercailzie | capercaillie |
ˈkapərˈkelji |
the wood grouse the game bird - game in that it's likely to have a go at giving you a good kicking if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time - and they can be really big |
in context |
capernoitie |
ˈkapərˈnoitɪ |
capricious, crazy, irritable - probably from the game bird above |
capestane | caipstane |
capstone |
carb |
wrangle, quarrel |
care | caer |
care |
care na by |
do not care |
carefu | carefae | carefie |
careful |
carfuffle | curfuffle |
karˈfʌfl |
disorder, quarrel |
cark |
a load, care, worry, fuss |
in context |
carl | carls |
peasant, working men |
carl-hemp |
male-hemp |
carle | carlie |
ˈkarlɪ |
old man, fellow (disparagingly), a manikin |
in context |
carline | carlin |
ˈkarlɪn |
old woman, Witch |
in context |
carmele |
ˈkarˈmil |
heath-pea |
carnaptious |
karˈnapʃəs |
irritable, quarrelsome |
in context |
carrant |
expedition, sudden journey |
carsackie |
an overall, smock |
carse |
kars |
extensive low land along a river bank |
carvie |
caraway |
castock |
cabbage stalk |
cat's een |
germander speedwell |
cateran |
ˈkatərən |
highland maurader/s |
catter |
to make a noise by striking, to babble, to prattle |
cattiewurrie |
violent dispute, wrangle, wranglesome, quarrelsome |
in context |
caucht |
caught |
caudron | ca'dron |
caldron |
cauf | ca'f |
kɑv |
calf |
cauf-leather |
calf-leather |
cauk | kalk |
chalk, lime |
caul |
kɑl |
a weir or dam |
cauld | caal | cowld |
kɑld |
cold |
in context |
cauld kail het again |
a stale story, reheated food |
cauldrif | cauldrife |
chilly, indifferent |
caunle | can'le |
candle |
caup |
cap |
caur |
kɑr |
calves |
causey | causie | cassie |
causeway, paved area |
kiss the causey |
fall on your face, come a cropper |
cavie |
a hen-coop, a children's game - base tig |
cawd | ca'd |
drove |
ceetie | ceety | ceitie |
ˈsitɪ |
city |
ceevil | cievil |
civil |
ceilidh |
kelı |
social gathering, often with story telling, singing, playing musical instruments, lots of scottish dances danced (some are ilk to a martial art), drinks drunk and just as it is about to slip into second gear - accompanied by oatcakes and stovies |
cep |
except, unless |
cepna | ceptna |
ˈsɛpnə |
except not |
certie |
assuredly, to be certain |
in context |
certies |
certainly |
chack |
tʃak |
nip, a notch or groove, rabbet |
chackart |
stonechat |
chaff | check |
chafe, rub, wear |
chaft |
tʃaft |
chin, jaw, cheeks |
in context |
chaft blade |
jaw-bone, cheek-bone |
burst their chafts |
came unstuck |
chaiple |
chapel |
chairge |
charge |
in context |
champ |
mash, crush, munch, chew |
chancer |
opportunist |
in context |
chancie | chancy |
lucky, fortunate |
in context |
change-house |
tavern |
channel |
ˈtʃanl |
a gutter |
channer |
grumble, shingle, gravel |
in context |
chanter |
bagpipe chanter, the bit with the holes that the fingers play the melody on, training chanters let you practice without the bother of the bag or the drones etc - quieter too |
chantie | chanty |
ˈtʃantɪ |
chamber-pot - for under the bed so you don't have to travel out to the privvy at night, or nowadays stagger across the room to the on-suite porcelain |
in context |
chap | shap |
to strike, knock on a door |
in context |
chapman |
packman, pedlar |
chapper |
door knocker |
in context |
chapper-up |
a person paid to be an alarm clock by going around banging on doors waking people up in time for their work |
chappit-tatties |
mashed potatoes |
chape | chaip |
tʃep |
cheap |
chatter | chattered |
frayed |
chatterin-bite, chitterin-bite, chittery-bite |
a warming morsel to eat for relief and protection from the cold after a swim |
in context |
chattle | chauttle |
tʃatl |
nibble, chew feebly |
in context |
chaumer | chalmer | chamer |
ˈtʃɑmər |
chamber , room |
chaw | chow |
tʃʌu |
chew, provoke, make |
in context |
cheek-for-chow |
cheek-by-jowl (i.e. close beside) |
cheenge | cheinge |
change |
in context |
cheenie | cheinie | cheeny |
china, porcelain |
cheep | cheip |
ˈtʃip |
whisper, squeak, peep |
cheuch | teuch | tyeuch |
ˈtʃux |
tough, durable |
in context |
cheyne | chene | cheen | chine |
tʃəin |
chain |
in context |
chib |
tʃɪb |
to stab or slash, the instrument such as a dagger or ice pick for stabbing or slashing with |
in context |
chief | cheif |
ˈtʃif |
the boss, friendly term for a male stranger |
chiel | cheild |
ˈtʃil |
lad, young man, fellow |
in context |
chimley | chimbley |
ˈtʃɪmlə |
chimney |
chimley-heid |
ˈtʃɪmləˈhid |
mantelpiece |
chincoch | chincough |
ˈtʃɪncox |
whooping-cough |
chitter |
tremble, shiver, chatter, |
in context |
chitty rran |
wren |
chock |
choke |
chokit |
choked, to be choking |
in context |
chook | choukie | chookie | chuk |
ˈtʃukɪ |
chicken |
in context |
chowe | chow |
tʃʌu |
a quid of tobacco - to chew |
chow |
the ball in shinty |
chuck |
pebble or marble, chic |
chuckie-stanes |
ˈtʃʌkɪstens |
pebbles |
in context |
chuffie |
fat-faced, portly |
chum |
accompany as a friend |
chuse | choise |
to choose |
citiner |
a citizen |
clachan |
ˈklaxən |
village, hamlet |
claddach |
ˈkladəx |
gravelly banks and bed of a river |
claes |
ˈklez |
clothes |
in context |
clag |
clog, smear, block up |
in context |
claggy |
klagi |
heavy sticky soil |
claik |
gossip, a barnacle, besmear with stuff that's sticky |
clamb |
kleθ |
climbed |
in context |
claimed |
verbal notification of being chosen by another to a fight or a beating |
in context |
claith | cloot | clout |
kleθ |
cloth |
in context |
clamihewit |
a blow, a thrashing, uproar |
clamjamfrie | clanjamfrie | clamjamphry |
klamˈdʒamfrɪ |
a mob, vulgar crowd |
in context |
clamp |
patch,mend, or a vegetable mound covered in hay with packed soil over it to protect the contents from frost and wet through the winter |
clamp |
(curling) iron grip worn on the shoe to prevent slipping on the ice |
clan |
extended family group |
clankie |
a severe knock |
clairet |
claret - the other Scottish national drink besides whisky - down to the auld alliance - France and Scotland |
clap |
clap, a heavy blow |
clap |
pat affectionately |
in context |
clapped oot |
worn out |
clappin |
patting affectionately |
in context |
clark |
a clerk |
clarkit |
clerked |
clart | clairt | clert |
soil, stickiness, mud, mire |
clarty |
muddy |
in context |
clash-bag |
a tell tale, a stool pigeon |
in context |
clasher |
an idle tale, gossip |
clat |
a soft lump, clot |
clatter |
gossip, scandal, defamatory talk, confidential talk. |
in context |
clatter-bag | clatter-bash |
a tell tale, a gossip |
clatch |
a wet dirt lump, dirty person |
claucher |
klɑxər |
move with difficulty as through treacle |
claucht | claught | clacht |
grasped |
claver | claiver |
ˈklevər |
gossip |
clash-ma-claiver | clishmaclaver |
ˈklaʃməˈklevr |
a gossiping (group) |
claver |
ˈklevər |
clover |
claw |
klɑ |
a scratch or to scratch |
clay-cauld |
clay-cold. |
claymore |
a two-handed double edged Highland sword - very big |
cleck | cloak |
hatch |
cleckin |
a brood |
cleckin-hen |
brooding hen |
cleed | cleid |
klid |
to clothe |
cleek | cleik |
klik |
a catch, a hook, grasp, link, snatch |
in context |
cleekit |
grasped |
cleesh |
whip |
cleester |
klistər |
bedaub, plaster |
cleg | gleg |
horsefly - with a bite like a red hot poker burn and lands like an undetectable gentle breeze |
cleuch | cleugh |
kl(j)ux |
gorge, ravine, cliff, crag |
in context |
cleuk | clook | cluke |
kluk |
a claw, a hand also to scratch with or catch with a claw |
in context |
cley |
clay |
click |
klɪk |
girlfriend, new romantic partner, a catch |
in context |
clim |
climb |
clinch |
limp |
clink |
a sharp stroke, to chink |
clink |
klɪnk |
jail |
clippie |
female ticket collector on the busses (from clipping the tickets) |
clips |
shears |
clish |
repeat gossip |
cliver | cluver | klivver |
clever |
cleverality |
cleverness |
clocher |
kloxər |
bronchial mucus, to clear |
clock | klok |
brood |
clockbees |
flying beetles |
clocker |
beetle |
clood | clud |
klud |
cloud |
clood-kittler |
skyscraper |
cloot | clout | clowt |
a cloth, a patch, slap strike |
clootie-dumpling |
a suet and fruit dumpling boiled in a cloth - much tastier than it sounds. An all rounder - hot slices can be eaten as a pudding with milk or custard, or cold eaten like cake with tea, or fried as part of a fry-up |
close | closs |
klos |
narrow covered entry passageway to a common stair in tenement flats and also continues onto the back courtyard with drying greens |
clour | clour |
a bump or swelling after a blow, a bruise |
clowe |
klʌu |
a clove |
cluff |
hit with the curved palm, cuff |
cludgie |
lavatory |
in context |
cluif | clufe |
kløf |
hoof |
clunk |
to make a hollow sound |
clype | clipe |
kləip |
inform against or informer, to tell on |
in context |
clype-cams |
surveylance cameras |
clytach |
incomprehensible babble |
clyte | clite |
rap knuckles, a smart blow |
coble |
a broad and flat boat |
coch |
cox |
cough |
cock |
(curling) the circle at the end of the rink that the stones are aimed at, raise a fist in a threatening manner |
cock-a-lorie |
eetum, peetum, penny pie, cock-a-lorie, jinkie jye counting-out rhyme |
cockieleerie |
ˈkokɪˈlirɪ |
crowing of the cock at dawn, the cock |
cocks |
fellows |
cod | coad |
a pillow, stones acting as supports for a construction |
codgie |
comfortable |
in context |
coff |
buy |
cog | coag | coagie |
wooden pail or wooden drinking vessel |
coggle |
ˈkogl |
to wobble, totter, about to fall |
cole |
a haycock |
colf |
kolf |
fill in, stop up |
coll | collie |
(curling) a line drawn across the rink, a stone that fails to cross that line towards the tee and therefore fails to count |
collie | cogle |
dog, the border collie the black and white kind that herds up sheep to whistles and intemperant shouting |
colliebuction |
ˈkolɪˈbʌkʃən |
a nosiy squabble |
collieshangie |
ˈkɔlɪˈʃaŋɪ |
brawl, uproar, dog fight |
in context |
collogue |
whispered conference, chat |
collop |
slice of meat |
come forrit |
growth, make progress |
come in bye |
come in and be near |
complein | compleen |
complain, be unwell |
compluther | complooter |
agree, fit in or mix with |
consait |
conceit |
confab |
talk in a group, confabulation, meeting |
confeerance |
conferance |
conflummix |
confusion, bewilderment, an unwelcome surprise |
in context |
confooter |
confound |
connach |
ˈkonəx |
waste, spoil, consume |
conseeder | conseider |
consider |
conteen | contein |
contain |
conter | coonter |
oppose, against |
in context |
contermacious | contermatious |
perverse |
in context |
contrar | contrair |
contrary |
convoy |
escort, accompany |
coo | cou |
a cow |
coo's lick |
cowlick, tuft of hair hanging over the forehead |
in context |
It's bi the mooth o the coo that the milk comes |
It is through the mouth of the cow that the milk comes,- if you neglect your preparation, don't expect a good end result |
cooard |
coward |
cooch |
couch |
cood |
cud |
coof |
a rogue, fool, coward |
in context |
cook |
dissapear, dodge in and out of view |
coom | cowm |
soot, dust from the fire or the fuel |
coomceil |
ˈkumˈsil |
an arched ceiling |
cooncil |
council |
coonciller | cooncillor |
counciller, one who gives council |
in context |
coonsel |
counsel |
coont |
count |
in context |
coontenance |
count |
in context |
coordly |
cowardly |
coorse |
coarse, foul weather, rough and disagreeable |
in context |
coorted |
courted |
cooser |
a stallion |
coot |
the guillemot |
cootie |
a small pail |
cootie |
ˈkutɪ |
leg-plumed |
corbett |
Scottish peaks between 2500 and 3000 feet in height which one can visit one by one to collect similar as to how some collect Munros |
in context |
corbies |
ravens, sometimes rooks or crows |
in context |
corbie stanes |
the steps on a stepped gable end of a building |
in context |
cordiner |
shoemaker |
core |
(curling) a team of curlers, a company |
corn kist |
corn storage bin |
corn kister |
one type of song sung at a bothy ballads evening |
corn mou |
corn heap |
corn't |
fed with corn |
waur to water than to corn |
addicted to drink |
coronach |
ˈkorənəx |
funeral lament, dirge |
corp | corse |
body, corpse |
corrie |
a hollow on the side of a mountain |
corrie-fistit | caur-fistit | caurie-fistit |
left, left handed |
in context |
corrieneuchin |
korɪˈnjuxɪn |
conversing intimately |
cors |
search for |
cosh |
snug, cosy |
cottar | cotter |
tenant in a cottage |
in context |
couart | cooart | cooard |
coward |
couldnae | couldny | couldnie | cudnae | cudna |
could not |
in context |
couer | coor | cooer |
cower, crouch |
in context |
coorie | courie | coory |
crouch down beside someone for protection, snuggle in, nestle |
in context |
courie in | coorie in |
snuggling in |
in context |
coup | cowp |
kʌup |
to capsize, turn over, a rubbish tip, buy or trade |
in context |
coupon |
the face, the football pools competition |
in context |
couthie | couthy |
kuθɪ |
affable, agreeable |
in context |
cowe |
kʌu |
crop, cut, rebuke |
cower |
get well again, revive |
cowper |
a horse dealer |
cowt |
colt, coltish person |
coz | cuz |
kɑz |
because |
in context |
crabbit |
bad tempered |
crack | craik |
chat, news, boast |
in context |
craft |
a skilled trade, cunning |
craft-rig |
croft-ridge |
craichle |
krexli |
croak |
craig | crag |
kreg |
neck, throat, a crag, a rugged cliff |
in context |
craik |
croak, the corn-crake |
craitur | craiter |
ˈkretər |
creature |
in context |
cramassie |
crimson |
crambo-clink |
rhyme |
crammock | cummock |
crooked staff, walking stick |
cran | crann |
kran |
iron tripod over fire for pots, crane, crane the bird |
cran |
Scots measure of herring (37 and a half gallons), a tap |
crane |
cranberry |
crank |
harsh noise, difficult |
crankie | cranky |
unsteady, insecure, bad tempered, fractious |
in context |
crankous |
fretful |
cranks |
creakings |
crannie | cranniedoodlie | cranniewanny |
little finger |
crannog |
a round dwelling big enough to house a very big extended family on the edge of a loch built on poles over the water near the shore - some think they were defensive structures, so do I - defense against the bloody midges, out over the loch the breeze keeps them at bay |
in context |
cranreuch |
hoar-frost |
crap |
crop |
craw | craa |
a crow, to boast |
in context |
be shot wi the craws |
get in trouble through bad associates |
creash | creish |
kriʃ |
grease, tallow |
in context |
creel | creil |
kril |
a deep basket, on the back mainly for fish or peats, fish trap, a lobster pot |
in context |
creenge | creinge |
cringe |
creepie |
three legged stool |
creepit |
kripɪt |
crept |
creuk | crook | cruke, cruik |
hook, lameness, lame |
crib |
curb |
criffins | crivens |
ˈkrɪvnz |
expressing astonishment |
in context |
crittle | crittel |
a broken piece, particle |
in context |
crivens jings, help ma boab, the big yins goan an goat ma job |
goodness gracious, heaven help me, the chap known as the big man has been given my job |
crochle | croichle |
kroxl |
limp, cough |
crock |
an old ewe, croak |
croft |
kroft |
a small agricultural unit, most of which are situated in the north of Scotland with most averaging out at 5 hectares in size but can be 0.5 or 50 in some cases. |
crofter |
normally the tenant of the croft, paying rent to the landlord, but many others have purchased their crofts and are owner-occupiers. |
crog |
a big hand |
cronie | crony |
companion |
croodle |
cower, nestle |
croon |
krun |
bellow, roar, lament |
crote |
a particle, a crumb |
crottle | crotal |
a lichen that can produce a reddish brown dye - cudbear, fragment, crumb |
crotly |
krotlɪ |
crumbly |
in context |
croud | crood |
crowd |
croun | croon |
krun |
crown |
in context |
crouse | crous |
krus |
bold, arrogant, cheerful |
crousely |
confidently |
crouss | crooss | croose |
cheerful |
crowdie | croodie |
krʌudɪ |
a soft cheese, also oatmeal and cold water mixed and eaten raw |
in context |
crowdie-time |
porridge-time |
crub |
curb, cattle crib |
cruban |
ˈkrubən |
the crab |
in context |
cruddle |
congeal |
cruds |
curds |
cruik |
krjuk |
crook, hook |
cruisie | crusie |
ˈkruzɪ |
an open boat shaped lamp with a wick made from the pith of rush with butter or fat as fuel |
cruive | cruve |
krøv |
fish trap made of stakes, pen |
crulge |
krʌldʒ |
cower, crouch |
crummock |
ˈkrʌmək |
stick with a crooked head, shepherds crook |
crump |
crisp |
crunkle | krunkil |
crinkle, crackle |
crunt |
a heavy blow |
cry |
call, name |
cry doon |
suppress |
cryne | crine |
shrink, fear |
cuddie | cuddy |
kʌdɪ |
donkey, horse, joiners trestle, a small tub |
in context |
cuddle |
sit close to, marble close to the target |
cude |
kød |
hair-brained |
cuid | cood | cude |
a shallow tub, for milk |
cuif | coof | cufe | kufe |
fool |
cuik |
kj uk |
cook |
in context |
cuil | cule |
køl |
cool |
in context |
cuisin | kizzen |
cousin |
cuist |
cast |
cuit | cute |
køt |
ankle, fetlock |
cuiter |
mend, patch up, pamper |
in context |
cuitch |
caught |
cullen skink |
smoked fish soup |
culyie |
ˈkʌljɪ |
fondle, cherish, coax |
cummer | cumber | cumer |
trouble, distress |
cundie | cundy |
kʌndɪ |
cast iron slotted covered drain in the gutter - esp of Dundee |
in context |
cunyie | cunzie |
ˈkʌnjɪ |
money, coin |
curch |
a kerchief for the head |
curchie | curtchie |
ˈkʌrʃɪ |
a curtsy |
curcuddoch |
kʌrˈkʌdjəx |
sitting close together side by side |
curler |
one who takes part in the sport of curling - throwing big heavy stones to roar down the ice with accuracy of aim and heft. |
curling-stone |
made of granite - the best of which is blue hone granite from Ailsa Craig - of a weight between 38 and 44 pounds with a maximum circumference of 36 inches and a minimum height of 4.5 inches with a handle on a flattish top and a flattish but concave base to provide minimumn contact with the ice |
curmurring |
a grumbling of talk |
curn |
a few |
curpin | curple |
the crupper of a horse |
currach | currok |
ˈkʌrəx |
a coracle, a light circular dish shaped boat made of hide stretched over bent laths of wood |
in context |
curran | curn |
currant |
currie |
small stool |
currieboram |
ˈkʌrɪˈborəm |
confused, a frightened crowd |
currieshang |
ˈkʌrɪˈʃaŋ |
a quarrel |
cushat |
ˈkʌʃət |
the wood pigeon, the starling |
cushie |
ring-dove, affectionate call to a pet |
in context |
cuthill |
ˈkʌθl |
a grove, small wood |
cuttag |
a middle sized dumpy woman |
cutter |
hip flask holding half a mutchkin of whisky. Yum... |
cuttie | cutty |
short |
cuttle |
ˈkʌtl |
whet, sharpen, give a sharp edge to |
in context |
cutty sark |
ˈkʌtɪˈsark |
a short shirt, a shift |
in context |
cutty-stool |
wooden three legged stool on which one had to sit in full view of the congregation if one had been caught sinning |
in context |