Scottish Words Glossary: T from A-Z
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
tabacha tə′bɑ:kɑ tobacco in context
tablet | taiblet ˈteblət a sweetie made from sugar, butter etc. with a stiff friable fudgy texture served up by my grannie as a slab in a flat tin to cut up ourselves - highland toffee was my favourite sweetie though, a toffee bar so hard you could break your teeth on it  
tabour beat, thrash, also a drum  
tack a lease, period of time  
tack | taik tack, a 'stitch' of clothing, saunter  
tacket a hobnail as in tackety boots; boots with soles studded with hobnails  
tackety bits boots with soles studded with hobnails in context
tongue tackit ˈtʌŋˈtakət tongue tied  
tackle tackle, the male parts  
tadger tadʒər penis  
tae te to, toe, each of the thongs at the end of a tawse (3) in context
tae-come arrival, profit  
tae-faw lean-to building  
tae-nam teˈnem nick name  
taft toft, a homestead and its land  
taghairm the traditional Highland arts of divination in context
taid | taed toad  
taidspue toad spawn  
taigle | teagle ˈtegl tangle, harass, delay, detain, hinder in context
taigle the cleek hinder the workings of a mine in context
taiken token  
tail tail, long narrow bit of land jutting out into the sea from a bigger piece, workings at the edge of water in a mine  
tailyie ˈteljɪ cut or slice of meat  
taen ten taken in context
taen awa tenˈawɑ taken away (by the fairies)  
taen like taken by surprise  
tairge | targe | terge to scold, to examine rigorously, a round leather shield  
tairible | tairrible terrible  
tairt tart  
taisch taɪʃ pre ghost of one about to die  
taissle | taisle | tassel ˈrezl entangle  
tait | tate | teat a small tuft (hair, wool), tuft of grass, a small amount in context
taiver ˈtevər wander about, wander in mind, rags, tatters  
tak | tack tak take in context
takin takən taking in context
tak heed learn from your betters or elders in context
tak awa eat or drink heartily  
tak naeweel takˈneˈwil become ill  
tam o shanter type of bonnet, a round flat crowned woolen cap often with a toorie on top in context
tane one in contrast to other - tane tither - the one of two  
tang large coarse seaweed  
tap top, tuft of hair, forelock, top - the spinning toy in context
tap-pickle the grain at the top of the stalk  
tapetless senseless  
tapmaist ˈtapˈmest topmost  
tappet-hen a tufted hen, a bottle holding three quarts of claret traditionally the lid knob is like a hen's tuft  
tappet swarm the first swarm of bees from a hive  
tappet-thrawn headstrong, wooden headed, inflexible in context
tappietourie | tappietoorie ˈtapɪˈturɪ tassel, pom-pom, something which rises to a peak or a top ornament  
tappit topped  
tapsalteirie | tapsalteerie | topsalteerie tapsaltirɪ upside down, muddled, topsy turvie in context
Stourie, stouchie, gaudie brierie! Dinging a' things tapsalteerie bustling, fussing, prankish, prickly! Knocking all things up and over  
tap wicht best of the bunch, best sturdy warrior in context
tarbet an isthmus, a neck of land that you can drag a boat across between two navigable bits of water  
tarloch small weak or worthless creature, squeamish  
tarmagan ptarmagan  
tarmegant violent, argumentative person in context
tarrock a tern  
tarrow ˈtarɪ linger, be reluctant  
tartan woolen cloth with a pattern of crossing stripes at right angles of different colours  
fireside tartan | grannies tartan | tinkers tartan mottled skin from sitting too close to the fire as witnessed on my very own granny  
tary ˈtɛrɪ vexation, harass  
tash ˈtaʃ a clasp, a buckle, to fasten, stain, smudge, moustache in context
tashie tattered unkempt appearance  
tasker a hired man paid for specific tasks in context
tass, tassie cup, goblet (for spirits) whisky in context
tastie tasty in context
tattie | tawtie ˈtɑtɪʔ potato, your head in context
tattie-bing a clamp of potatoes  
tattie-bogle scarecrow in context
tattie chapper potato masher  
tattie howker a picker of potatoes - in the days when tattie holidays from school really were for going tattie picking every day - I know, I was one of those school children that howked tatties in context
tattrel rag  
taucht ˈtɑxt taught  
tauk talk  
taum sullen angry mood, peevish in context
taupie ˈtɑp giddy, idle  
taut tangled mat of hair or wool  
taw | taa knead, twist, tug (the once hard work of preparing leather or flax)  
tawpie a foolish woman  
taws | tawse ˈtɑz leather punishment strap with three short slits on the hitting end to increase the sting (toes) - it takes skill to make it sting though, only two teachers out of many do I remember for that in context
tawted matted  
tea tea, evening meal in context
tedisome ˈtɪdɪsəm tedious, tiresome  
tee (golf) small heap of dirt or wee peg (Trump) that the golf ball is driven from at the start of each hole, (curling) the centre part of the concentric circles marked on the ice the centre of which is where you intend your curling stones to end up  
teedle ˈtwidl sing or hum a tune without the words  
teeger tiger  
teel | teil till land  
teem | teim pour down in context
teen tin harm, trouble  
teendi | taindie | teenty the numeral two - from a sheep counting method or a children's counting rhyme - zeendie, teendy, tethery, muhndery, baombe, hecturi, zecturi, aover, daover, dek - that's a children rhyme for sure, but all the shepherds I knew used to count all the legs of all the sheep and then divide the total by four. in context
teepical | teipical typical  
teet | teit peep, peer, glance, the smallest squeak in context
teeterin tottering in context
tethery | tehtery | taedheri the numeral three – from a counting rhyme - zeendie, teendy, tethery, muhndery, baombe, hecturi, zecturi, aover, daover, dek. Personally I think it only goes up to seven, zecturi the magic number, and then it's - all over, do over, tag you're it. in context
teetle | teitle title  
teistɪ təistɪ the wild guillemot  
tellt | telt | tald ˈtɛlt told in context
tellin ˈtɛlən telling in context
tenaby numeral ten from a counting rhyme  
tender | tenner sickly, in poor health  
tenement large building of three or so stories high divided into family flats with each section being served by one stair and an entry passage  
tenner ten pound note  
tenon ˈtɛnən tendon  
tent pay attention, to tend to, to heed, to observe, a tenth in context
tentie ˈtɛntɪ careful, attentive, watchful in context
tersie-versie topsy turvie in a disorderly random way  
teuch | tyeuch | cheuch | teugh tjux tough, durable, difficult to chew in context
teuchit | teewheat ˈtjuxət lapwing, peewit  
teuchter | chuchter ˈtʃuxtər highlander, bumpkin, country boy from the sticks (contempt) in context
teug tug  
teuk tjuk took  
teylor | teylour tailor  
thack θak thatch  
thack and rape thatch and rope, the makings of a roof, well being in context
thae | tha | thai ðe those  
be thankit expressing gratitude to whatever preceded 'be' in context
thatchin thatching in context
thair θer their  
thairm θerm small guts, catgut (a fiddle-string)  
thairsels θerˈsɛls themselves  
an aa that and all that, also summing up a previous phrase  
an that etcetera, and so on in context
thatwey in that way, like that  
the used instead of my or your, - the wife, the boss - also can be instead of a, an, to, this - and more…  
have you been at the jogging? have you just been jogging? addressed to a sweaty person in running gear - see at the plooin in context
keep the heid keep your head (stay calm and maintain your self control)  
the lenth o as far as  
the sel o ye yourselves  
the sel o't itself, this self of it  
the tither ðəˈtɪðər this other  
the tither hauf the other half, the wife  
the war there was/were  
the wey o't ðəˈwəioət as it goes  
the'r there is / are  
the-day today in context
the-morrow tomorrow in context
the-nicht ðəˈnɪxt tonight in context
the-nou ðəˈnu just now  
the-streen last evening  
theckit thatched  
thee | thei θi thigh in context
theek, thick to roof, cover with protection (roof), protection in general. in context
theevle | theevil | theivil | thievil | theevle ˈθivl short stick for stirring food in a pot in context
thegither tɪˈgɪðər together in context
thersells themselves in context
thesaurer treasurer  
thiefs | teefs thieves  
thiefie ðifɪ sandpiper  
thig beg, cadge  
thing | hing | hin thing  
thingmie | thingmy θɪŋəmɪ referencing a thing or person that one should be able to name or recall  
thir these, those  
thirl ˈθirl pierce, bore through, be bound, obligation, bondage in context
thirsels themselves  
thiswey ðɪsˈwəi this way  
tho though, indeed  
thocht | thoucht θoxt thought in context
thole endure, to bear in context
thon ðon that or those over there as opposed to that or those here in context
thonder | thonner over there at a greater distance  
thoosan thousand  
thorter across (timber grain), thwart in context
thou thou, thee used between equals  
thoum | thoom, toom θum thumb in context
thowe θʌu thaw  
thoweless | thieveless ˈθʌuləs listless, lazy, lacking initiative or drive, waster  
thrang throng, busy  
thrapple | trapple throat, the windpipe, throttle in context
thresch | thruish | tresh | threesh | thrash θraʃ thrash the baddie, thresh the corn - there's no distinction in Scotland, thrash them both  
thraw θrɑ throw, twist, turn, oppose  
thrawart ′θrɑwərt awkward, perverse, cross grained in context
thrawn θrɑn difficult, twisted, crooked, bloody obstinate in context
threap | threip | threep θrip contend, insist  
threave | thrave θriv a measure of about 24 sheaves (sheaf, sheave, a bundle of grain stalks laid lengthwise and tied together after reaping) I stooked them one sunny summer at a convent and I've fed them into a spinning drum standing atop a huge thrasher while still of school age. With nothing between that spinning drum and me except my knees braced on a plank. Happy days. in context
threeple three ply, triple  
threeplet a triplet  
threid | threed θrid thread in context
threidit threaded  
threttan | thirttan | thirteen thirteen  
thretty | thrittie thirty  
thrid θrɪd third  
thrissle ˈθrɪsl thistle  
thrist thirst, thrust  
thristle | throstle song thrush  
throu through, over, complete  
througate ˈθruˈget passage way, lane  
throuither ˈθruɪðər mingled any how, in confusion, mixed up  
thrum ˈθrʌm strum  
thrummle ˈθrʌml squeeze, wring, press through a crowd  
thummart ˈθumərt polecat, ferret - once , cycling to work I saw one louping through the grass, I whistled on it and unbelievably it came over, all white with intense beady red eyes. When I put my hand down to it, it opened its mouth and ran its teeth round my wrist which was a bit scary, I've never seen a rodent open a mouth in as big a gape as that thing did. Obviously tame but I had to leave it, no way to transport it on the bike and anyway the wee buggers can certainly look after themselves, so no worries there in context
thummle | thimmle θʌml thimble  
thunner θʌnər thunder  
thunder plump sudden intense very heavy soaking downpour of big rain under black clouds and usually short in duration  
thunder pump enormous loud fart  
tice | tyce təis entice, coax  
ticht tɪxt tight, firmly fixed, stingy with money in context
ticket slovenly dressed, severe beating, a certificate, a ticket  
a richt ticket to be looking a mess  
tickler puzzling item or problem  
tid təid a favourable time or season, something is ready - to or for - whatever  
tidy shapely, attractive of a person  
tift tiff, quarrel  
tig dally, amorous dealings, meddle, tap, the game of tag  
bulldog tig we had a grass slope at chool that ran down from the tarmac playground a long way to a burn at the bottom. The way we played was the person placed half way down the slope was the 'it' and the rest of the school ran from the top of the slope to the bottom, waited untill all were down then they ran up again. As each player was tigged by an 'it' they increased the number of 'its' until there was only one person running up and down the hill. Two bummers, one was if the first 'it' was useless, the second more enjoyable is when the last runner was so nimble and smart he or she lasted ages before being tigged. A game of strategy agility stamina and speed.  
chain tig when you were tigged you joined the chain until there was only one left to tig trying to avoid a whole playground all holding hands chasing him or her- the trick was to stay away from the ends of the chain - getting dragged along by your sprinting wheeling fellow pupils was good training for the dangerous sport of Scottish Country Dancing  
aeroplane tig if you were tigged by the 'it' you had to freeze in place with your arms stretched out until someone else could run under your arms to free you  
high tig you were safe if off the ground, even jumping counted although a fat lot of good that did as you were tigged when you landed unless the 'it' was sprinting past you when you jumped - best game for squabbles  
tillt to it  
timeous at or here at the proper time  
timmer timber, wood, bashful in context
timmer breeks a coffin  
timorsome ˈtɪmərsəm nervous, timid  
tingle ˈtɪŋl tinkle, chime  
tinker itinerant pedlar living in a bendie or caravan dealing in small metal  
tinnie a can in context
tint | tine | taint tɪnt indication, prove by jury, suffer the loss, be convicted in context
a guid name is suiner tint than won a good name is sooner lost than won, one's reputation is more easily damaged than gained  
tippence two pence  
tipper very well dressed, to totter  
tirl to cause to rotate or spin in context
tirl spin, whirl, vibrate, rattle, to strip off, remove, to rattle for entrance, pluck at  
tirlie ˈtɪrlɪ a thing that curls, twirls or spins, something intricate with spinning parts in context
tirr strip, tear off covering, to snarl, heart beat, a thump  
tirran ˈtɪrən tyrant  
tirraneese | tirraneise ˈtɪrəniz tyrannise, overwork, harass in context
tirran like a top wound oneself up into a total state of exasperation, Diva in context
tirrivee | tirrivie ˈtɪrəˈvɪ rage, tantrum  
tishie ˈtɪʃɪ tissue (paper)  
tit tug, to tap, a teat  
tither ˈtɪðər the other (the one of two options)  
tittle gossip  
tittle tattler ˈtɪtlˈtatər a person actively spreading gossip  
tittlin meadow pippet  
toastie comfortably warm radiance, or ironically - hot as a furnace blast in context
tocher toxər (to give a) dowry (I stayed a while at Kintocher)  
tod fox  
toddy todɪ twas given to me often as a child at night when ill - whisky with, sugar or honey, and boiled water - served hot - some Scottish pubs I've known would knock one up in the microwave if you're feeling off and in need of one in context
toman a little hill, formed by a glacial moraine (or built by the fairies - whichever you prefer)  
toom | tume | tome | tim | tuim | tume tum empty, vacant, gaunt in context
toom-heidit tumˈhidət vacuous empty headed person  
tortie tortoise  
tosh toʃ neat, tidy, trim, smart in context
toss a toast to good health  
tossle | tossel tassel  
tot the sum total, the whole lot  
tot anything very small, a small child, a dram in context
tottie tiny in context
tottle toddle  
touel | tooel | toul ˈtuəl towel in context
touer | toor ˈtuər tower  
toun | toon town, farm steading in context
tounser ˈtunsər a townsperson as opposed to a cheuchter in context
tourocks a small tower  
tourie | toorie ˈturɪ the pom pom on top of a tam-a-shanter, an ornamental top, tuft or hairbun in context
tousie | toosie ˈtuzɪ disordered, dishevelled, tangled in context
tousled | toosled ˈtuzld ruffled hair like you're just dragged out of bed or through a hedge backwards  
tout toot, speaking loudly,  
touther | towder ˈtuðər handle roughly  
tove rise into air, stream out, talk amiably  
tow tʌu flax, a rope  
towdy tʌudɪ the buttocks  
towdy mowdy term of endearment  
towmont ˈtʌumont a period of twelve months, a year  
towt tʌut slight illness, huff  
toyte to totter  
tozie tozɪ flushed with drink  
traik | trake ill, be ailing, decline, wander to and fro, trek  
traikle | traicle ˈtrekl treacle - and if you've not had a treacle scone you've not lived - flat, inch thick, and trianglar in shape - and to keep me quiet when small on the farm I was given a bit of cow cake (pellet) with treacle on it - both out of the cattle feed drums - and very good it was too. in context
trail ˈtrel tramp, trudge wearisomely falling behind and have to be chided, trailing cloth in context
traipse ˈtreps gad about  
traivel trevəl travel  
trams cart shafts etc, restrictions  
trantle a set of thirty  
trappit trapped in context
trashtrie useless rubbish  
trauchle | trauchil | trachle ˈtrɑxl spoil by dragging, knocking about, trail through the mud etc. walk slowly and wearily, a struggle, incompetent slow person in context
treason | traison | treison treason  
tredit trod  
treeple | treiple ˈtripl tripple  
treesh ˈtriʃ cajole  
treid | treed tread  
tremmle | trimmle tremble  
trews trus tartan trousers of fine close fitting cloth, legs extended to cover the feet, worn by certain Scottish regiments (burly Scots soldiers in tights, who'd have thought)  
tricker trigger  
trig neat, smart, quick, clever in context
trin'le | trinnle the wheel of a barrow, trundle  
trinklin trickling  
trinnle trickle  
troch trox trough  
trogger a pedlar  
troggin wares  
troke trok barter, trade, business,  
trollie-bags intestines in context
tron communal weighing machine that stood in the town market place, town market place where these machines used to be  
Troon a town with a good view of Arran situated on the South Ayrshire coast, oftentimes the host of the open golf championship, and birthplace of Colin Montgomerie the golfer in context
troosers | trowsers trusərs trousers, a complicated item made from a cloth bag with holes joined to two cloth tubes - all to cover the arse and legs - not a kilt in context
troot trut trout in context
trot trot  
the back door trots diarrhoea  
short in the trot bad tempered  
trottles | troddles round pellets of crap - sheep mainly  
trow trʌu troll, a mischievous sprite or fairy, a supernatural being common in Scandinavian mythology in context
trow | trowl trʌu roll down a slope, spin around  
trowth | trouth | truith | troth trʌuθ truth in context
truaghan ˈtruəxən a destitute  
truan | trone | truel ˈtruəl trowel  
trump deceive, cheat, a thing of small value in context
trumpery trickery in context
trummle trʌml tremble, tremor  
tryst trəist a mutual pledge, an appointment, a meeting at a place and time, a fair, a cattle-market  
trysted-hour the time to meet fixed in advance  
tube, choob ʧub a term used as an insult in context
tuchin ˈtjuxən husky cough  
tuck | teuk tjʌk noises to call hens  
tuip | tup | tupe ram, tup  
tuir | ture tear  
tuith tøθ tooth in context
aisle-tuith əislˈtøθ a biscupid tooth, a molar in context
tuith wark toothache  
tulchan ˈtʌlxən the calfskin draped over the calf of another presented to the grieving mother to persuade her to give milk, a substitute in general  
tulloch ˈtʌləx hillock, fairy mound  
tulshoch ˈtʌlʃəx small bundle  
tulyie | tuilyie | tulzie ˈtøljɪ brawl, quarrel, fight in context
tumfie | tumphie dull stupid person in context
tummle tumble in context
Linn of Tummel a place where the rivers Garry and Tummel meet where there used to be a waterfall of interest at the spot but no longer alas in context
tummle the cat do a somersault, go head over heels  
tummock a small hill, a molehill  
tumshie a turnip, a person lacking intelligence in context
tumshie-gowk a scarecrow  
tumshie heid a stupid idiot - insult in context
turn | tirn turn, twist or spin  
turnpike a spiked barrier  
aff the turn at rest  
tur | turr | truff turf  
tushilaigo | tushilago coltsfoot  
tusk projecting end stones for bonding with another wall, empty one container into another  
twa | twae | tway twɑ two in context
twa'd it would  
twa-three two or three, a few  
twafauld | twafaul twofold, bent over, folded double  
twahandit crack chat between two good friends  
twa hipper skite a slip or fall that is likely to make two broken hips (in the elderly mainly - often heard exclaimed by ambulance chasers near sheltered housing in icy winters) in context
nane o the twa neither  
ony o the twa either  
twal | twelf | twel twelve  
the twal o nicht twelve at night, midnight  
twaloors midday meal (dinner), midday  
twalpennie worth a shilling's worth (English money when it was 12 pennies to the shilling)  
twalt | twelft twelfth  
twang ˈtwaŋ twinge, sudden sharp pain, stung by snapping elastic  
tweed hard wearing twilled woolen cloth made in the borders - Harris tweed is from the Outer Hebrides  
tweedle twiddle (the fingers)  
tweel twil twill, also truly! indeed!  
tweetle | tweitle whistle, warble, sing in context
twice | twise | tweys twəiz twice  
twig jerk, twitch, a quick sidelong glance, glimpse  
twine divide, separate into two, go one's own way  
twintie | twanty | twonty | twuntie twenty  
twintieth twentieth  
twistle the action of twisting, wrestle  
tyach | tach tjax expression of impatience or exasperation  
tyauve | chyauve, chauve tjɑv knead, struggle, wear out  
tye taɪ big affirmative, yes certainly (hootaye)  
tyce təis walk cautiously  
tyke | tike təik cur, dog, a rough person  
tyld təild cover with a curtain or blind  
tymmer a percussion instrument, the crest of a helmet  
tyne | tyn | tine | teyn təind To lose, to suffer the loss, destruction, disappearance, etc. of some attribute or possession, to cease to have or enjoy, to mislay in context

Scottish Words illustrated