aa | a' | aw |
ɑ |
all, every, [aataw = at all] |
in context |
a freend tae aa is a freend tae nane |
a friend to everyone is a friend to none |
a' the go |
ˈɑðıˈgo |
extremely popular |
a'place |
ɑˈples |
everywhere |
in context |
a-fiel |
afield |
a-jee |
ɑˈʤi |
ajar, to one side |
in context |
aa ither thin |
ɑˈɪðərðɪn |
everything else |
aa weys | aw weys |
in every way |
aabodie | awbodie | awbody | a'bodie |
everyone |
in context |
aagates | awgates |
everywhere you can go |
in context |
aamaist | awmaist |
almost |
aaready | awready |
almost |
in context |
aaricht | aricht | awricht |
əˈrıxt |
all right, OK |
in context |
aataw, ataa, ataw |
at all |
in context |
aathegither | athegither | awthegither |
ˈɑðıˈgıðər |
altogether |
in context |
aathing | awthin |
ˈɑðın |
everything |
in context |
aawhaur |
everywhere |
aback | abak |
əˈbak |
back away, behind, to the back of |
in context |
abade |
aˈbed |
abide |
abais |
aˈbes |
abashed |
abandoun |
abandon |
abee |
ɑˈbi |
as it is, alone |
abeelitie | abeilitie |
ability |
abeich | abeech | abiegh |
əˈbix |
aloof |
abi’s | abeis | abees |
compared with |
abile |
boiling |
in context |
ablins |
perhaps, possibly |
aich | ach | och |
əx |
expression of surprise, sorrow etc |
ablach |
ˈabləx |
a mangled carcass |
in context |
ablo | ablow |
below |
aboil |
əˈbəil |
at or on boiling point |
aboon | abune | abuin | aboun |
abun |
above, up |
in context |
aboot |
about |
in context |
hereaboot |
around about here |
in context |
abraid |
abroad |
abread |
abroad. |
abreed |
in breadth. |
abreest | abreist |
abreast |
absteen |
abstain |
abuise |
əˈbøs |
abuse |
accoont |
account |
in context |
accuistom |
accustom |
ach | och |
ax |
expressing sorrow, pain, resignation, weariness or exasperation - it's all in the tone and attitude |
in context |
ackwart |
awkward |
acquent | acquant |
əˈkwant |
acquaint |
in context |
acquentit |
acquainted |
acker |
acre |
actioun |
əˈdø |
action, lay a charge against, civil or criminal |
in context |
adae | ado | adow |
əˈdø |
going on, being done, the matter with |
in context |
admeet | admeet |
admit |
admoneis | admonis |
admonish |
adveece |
ədˈvəis |
advice |
advertees | adverteis |
advertise |
advocate | advocat |
barrister |
ae |
a village near Dumfries between the gowkstane burn and the water of ae which has the honour of having the shortest name of a village in the UK |
ae |
ˈe |
numeral one, the only one, any |
ae day | yin day |
one day |
aefauld |
ˈeˈfɑld |
honest, faithful |
aefauldlie |
sincerely |
af | aff |
off |
in context |
afgaun |
departure, death even |
afeard | aferde |
əˈfird |
alarmed, afraid |
in context |
afen | aften |
often |
in context |
aff luif | aff-lufe | aff-loof |
off-hand |
af an on aboot |
approximately |
aff o |
away from |
aff-hand |
at once |
afore |
əˈfor |
before, in front of |
in context |
aft | affen | aften |
oft, often |
in context |
affuird |
afford |
agen | agane | agin |
again |
in context |
age's wi |
the same age as… |
agill |
agile, nimble |
agin |
against |
in context |
agley | aglay | aglee |
əˈgli |
off the straight, awry |
agrouf |
əˈgruf |
face downward |
ah'd |
ad |
I would |
in context |
aheid |
ahead |
ahint | ahent | ahin |
aˈhɪnt |
remaining, behind, to the rear, following |
in context |
ah'll |
al |
I will |
in context |
ah'm |
am |
I'm |
in context |
ahn |
an |
and |
in context |
ah've |
av |
I have |
in context |
aiblins |
ˈeblɪnz |
perhaps |
aicht | echt | aucht | eicht | aught | eicht |
ɛxt |
numeral eight |
in context |
aichteen | echteen | auchteen | eichteen | aughteen | eichteen |
ɛxt |
numeral eighteen |
in context |
aidle |
liquid manure, foul water |
aige | adge |
age |
aigle |
eagle |
aik |
oak |
aiken |
oaken |
ail |
ail |
ain | ane |
own, belonging to myself |
in context |
ainerly | ainly |
only |
in context |
my ainsel | ainsell |
emphatically me myself |
ainimal |
animal |
aiple, epple | appil |
ɛpl |
apple |
in context |
air |
air, atmosphere, a teeny tiny bit |
air |
an oar, early, heir |
airch | erch |
take aim, arch |
airieplane |
aeroplane |
airle |
earnest money |
airm | erm |
ɛrm |
arm |
in context |
airmie |
army |
airmour |
armour |
in context |
airn |
ɛrn |
iron |
airt | art |
aim, direction, direct |
in context |
re-airt |
redirect |
in context |
airts | airtins |
(web) link, links |
airticle |
ɛrtɪkl |
article |
airtit |
directed, linked |
airts |
directions |
aishan |
issue |
aisle-tuith | assle-tuith |
ˈeslˈtøθ |
molar tooth, bicuspid |
in context |
ait |
oat |
aith |
oath |
aither | ether | ayther |
ˈeðər |
either |
aiven |
even |
aiven on |
even, straight, right |
aiver |
ˈevər |
an old horse |
aix |
ɛks |
axe |
in context |
aixle |
axle |
aizle |
ˈezl |
ember, spark, cinder |
ajee | agee |
əˈdʒi |
off the straight, ajar, disturbed of mind |
akis | acause |
because |
alagrugous |
ɑlɛ′gru:gs |
sour, woebegone – based on the notorious bitter poker playing pirate captain Alagrugous Wanworth Snauchle – a character invented by me only a few days ago (2020). |
in context |
alairm |
əˈlerəm |
alarm |
in context |
alake |
alas |
alane |
alone |
in context |
alanerllie | allanerly |
single, solely, solitary |
alang |
əˈlaŋ |
along |
in context |
alenth |
onward |
alicht |
əˈlixt |
dismount |
aliment |
support claimed from another |
aller |
alder tree |
allerish |
uncanny, weird |
allou | alloo |
allow |
in context |
almichty |
alˈmixtɪ |
the almighty |
alowe | alunt |
alight, set on fire |
amaist | almaist |
aˈmest |
almost |
amang | amo |
among |
ambeetious | ambeitious |
ambitious |
amens |
amends |
Americae | Amerikie |
America |
amissin |
missing |
amna | amni |
am not |
in context |
amoont |
amount |
in context |
amshach | hamshoch |
misfortune, an accident |
an |
and, if |
an aa | an aw | an' a' | anaw |
anɑ |
also, as well, too |
in context |
an aa that | an aw that |
anɑðat |
and all that sort of thing |
an that |
and so on etcetera |
ance | aince | wance | yince |
once |
in context |
ance eerant | ance eirrant |
specially for that alone |
ane | ain | yin |
en |
one |
anes | een | yin |
in |
ones |
in context |
ane anither |
one another |
in context |
aneath | aneith | aneeth | anaeth |
əˈniθ |
beneath |
in context |
aneist |
əˈnist |
nearest or next to |
anent |
over against, opposite, about |
anither |
another |
in context |
annoonce |
announce |
anter |
venture |
antie |
aunt |
antle |
nag, pressing of a complaint |
antrin |
occasional, odd |
anxeeitie |
anxiety |
aover |
numeral eight from a counting rhyme - Zeendi, Teendi, Taedheri, Mundheri, Baombe, Hecturi, Zecturi, Aover, Daover, Dek. Personally I think it only goes up to seven, zecturi the magic number, and then it's - all over, do over, tag you're it. |
apayne | apane |
aˈpen |
by chance |
apert |
bold, boldly |
apprise |
əˈpraɪz |
appraise |
Apryle | Aprile |
April |
aqua-fontis |
spring water |
aqua-vitae |
whisky (water of life) |
arenae |
are not |
argie | airgie |
argue |
in context |
ark | airk |
chest |
arle |
token cash in advance for services |
arnae |
ɪrnɪ |
are not, aren't |
argie | airgie |
argue |
in context |
argie-bargie |
ˈargɪˈbargɪ |
a quarrel |
aricht | awricht |
əˈrɪxt |
aright |
ark | airk |
chest |
arle | arl | erle |
an earnest |
arnit | arnut |
earth nut |
aroun, aroon |
approximately, round about |
in context |
arr | aur |
a scar |
arrae | arra |
arrow |
in context |
arreist |
əˈrist |
arrest |
arse | erse |
backside, bottom |
heid doon arse up! |
get on with it! - the task in hand |
artifeecial | artifeicial |
artificial |
as | als | uz |
as |
asclent | asklent |
əˈsklɛnt |
aslant, askew |
ase | ass | aise |
ashes, woodash |
ashet |
serving dish |
aside | asyde |
beside, close by |
in context |
aspar |
aspread |
asteer | asteir |
əˈstir |
astir, in a commotion |
astragal |
glazing bar |
ats |
that is |
in context |
at ane mair |
at the last push |
athin |
əˈθɪn |
within |
Athole brose |
oatmeal, water, honey and whisky mix. I have a recipe for Athole Brose here |
athoot, ithoot, athout |
əˈθut |
without |
in context |
athort | athourt |
across, over |
athwart |
across |
at onesel |
in a calm state |
ater | attir |
pus |
atterie | attery |
infested, grim, malignant |
in context |
atweel | atweill |
əˈtwil |
indeed, in any case, in truth |
atween | atwein |
əˈtwin |
between (place or time) |
atweesh | atweish |
əˈtwin |
atwixt |
aucht | aicht | echt |
ɑxt |
due, owed, be incumbent upon |
aught |
possessed of |
aughimuty |
mean, paltrty |
aughteen | eichteen |
numeral eighteen |
aughtlins |
at all |
auld | aul | aal | ald |
old |
in context |
auld lang syne |
old memories, days gone by |
Auld Reekie |
Edinburgh |
auld, aulder |
old, older |
auld-gabbit |
speaking an ancient tongue |
auld-warld |
old-world |
aulddame |
grandmother |
auldfarran, auldfarrant |
old fashioned |
aum | a'um |
alum |
auman |
a sound thrashing |
aumers |
embers |
aumous |
alms, kind deed |
aumrie, aumry |
pantry, cupboard |
Austrailae | Austrailie |
Australia |
autorise | autoris | autoreis |
authorise |
in context |
ava |
at all, without stopping |
in context |
avaunt |
away |
aw |
all |
in context |
awa |
əˈwɑ |
away, along, ago |
in context |
awa aff |
leaving |
awa by |
at home, off home |
awaird | awerd |
award |
awald | avald |
ˈɑwəlt |
on one's back and stuck |
awauk |
awake |
awaur |
əˈwɑr |
aware |
awe | aw |
owe |
aweel |
əˈwil |
agreeable prelude to a remark |
awesome |
awful |
awfu | awfae | awfie | awfy |
ˈɑfə |
awfully, very |
in context |
awfu | awfae | awfie | awfy |
ˈɑfə |
awful, horrible, terrible |
in context |
awhile | awhilie |
a short period of time |
in context |
a-whummel |
upsides down |
awkart |
awkward |
awn |
own (belongs to) |
awnie |
bearded, having barley awns |
awricht |
allright, OK |
in context |
awry |
ˈɑrə |
gone unexpectedly wrong |
in context |
ay | aye |
yes (aye has lots of meanings from yes to hello to always) |
in context |
aye | ey |
always, still |
in context |
ayebydin |
constant |
ayewis |
ɑɪˈwɪz |
always |
in context |
aynd |
end |
breath, breathe |
ayont |
əˈjont |
beyond |
ayout |
across |