Scottish Words Glossary: P from A-Z
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
pack pak pack, an initial stock of goods, a means of making a living  
packman a travelling merchant  
paction | packtion bargain, deal  
pad footpath, a narrow unpaved way  
paddok-lok a portable lock  
paewae ˈpeˈwe pallid, sickly, drooping  
paffle a croft, small bit of land  
paidle ˈpedl paddle, toddle  
paidle leather nail-bag or flat leather pouch  
paigle the messy housework, chores  
paik beat, thrash, tramp  
get one's paiks get one's just deserts  
pail pel canopy for a bed, drape for a coffin or corpse  
pail pel a bucket in context
painch penʃ paunch, entrails  
paip fruit kernel or stone, the pope  
paircel | partial | persell ˈpersəl parcel, a band of people or animals (thems a paircel of rogues)  
pairish | parioch ˈperɪʃ parish  
pairk | perk | pairt pɛrk public park, or an area of enclosed farm ground  
parkie any public park official who used to lock the pairk gates at night and would forever chase off children who ignored the signs to keep off the grass and instead enjoyed themselves playing football on it. Features in many an oor wullie adventure.  
pair | puir | pure pur poor in context
pairls perlz paralytic tremors  
pairt pert part, a parcel of land in context
pairtial partial  
pairtie | pairty | perty ˈpertɪ party in context
pairtner ˈpertnər partner  
pairtrick | paitrick | partrick ˈpetrɪk a partridge  
pal friend, befriend, insouciant term of address to a male stranger - if you're gallus enough in context
palaiver pəˈlevər palaver, a fuss, a fussy person  
pale pointed stake used in a fence, a paling fence, a small shovel or scoop for taking samples  
palfurner man in charge of horses  
palie | pally | paulie ˈpɑlɪ thin, pale, sickly-looking, stunted  
pall | paal pɑl a pole, strong post, mooring post  


left handed in context
pally-handed | pallie-fitted having a damaged hand, or foot in context
pallalls ˈpaˈlals hopscotch, peevers  
pallawa small edible crab  
palmie | paumie | pawmie ˈpɑmɪ a stroke with the lochgellie (the school punishment strap (wristie - bad form of hitting the pupil's wrist with the strap (from the pupil's point of view)))  
pan the toilet pan, a cooking vessel in context
pan head, skull, cranium, solid soil, a purlin in context
pan-drop the preferred sweetie of my grannie, round white and hard with a peppermint flavour  
pan-jotrals a dish made from odds and ends of food, offal  
pan-loaf white bread baked in a tin with a smooth crust as opposed to plain bread which has a rough crust - and a coarser texture as I remember - I'm a wholemeal bakery goods person myself  
pan-scone pancake  
knock one's pan in work very hard to the point of puggledness  
pandie stroke of a cane or belt - from a headmaster  
pang paŋ ache, pain, cram full  
pannie kindling  
pannie-bread bread baked in a pan over a fire  
panse | pans | pense pans reflect, ponder seriously  
pant fun, a prank  
pap | pape pap a teat, bosom, a conical hill, in context
pap quick touch, strike lightly, throw, aim, sound of a tooter or horn  
pap pop in context
paparap three hooks tied together on weighted line used for poaching fish  
papple flow, bubble up, sizzle, the corn-cockle, sweat profusely in context
paraud | parawd pəˈrɑd parade, procession, march  
pardoos pərˈdus a resounding whack  
pairin-meal course meal or flour made from grain husks  
pargen ˈpardʒən daub with plaster, to plaster  
parpen | parpan stone which passes through the entire thickness of a wall  
parr a young salmon before it becomes a smolt  
parrie | parry waste time, dawdle, delay  
parritch | paritch | parridge | poritch porridge, made from oatmeal, water, and salt simmered until it reaches the texture and consistency you desire, posh porridge can be made with milk and include raisins. Serve with milk or cream and for a pitiful few a sprinkling of sugar and/or swirl of honey or Lyle's golden syrup. Made well this is tasty, filling, warms and heartens, and is extremely healthy for you minus the sugary additions. in context
parrititch-drawer this is not a lie, the bothy practice of having a scrubbed drawer that the porridge, made to the correct consistency, is poured into and left to cool and set, wherupon you can slice it up and remove slabs when needed to carry in one's piece box to work to eat later that day or the next. I was never told how long it kept in the drawer but my experience of porridge says it'd easily manage two days, probably more, with no problem  
parritch-pats porridge-pots  
Save yer braith tae cool yer parritch! What you're saying is not worth hearing; be quiet.  
parrymauk ˈparɪˈmjɑk an exact replica, clone  
partan edible crab  
parteeclar | parteicular | parteiclar pərˈtikɪlər particular, confidential, worthy of note in context
pat pot, pate, the head, the cranium - sometimes the cranium minus the rest of the skull  
patie ˈpetɪ the puffin  
pattie clay or earthen ware (marble)  
pauchle | pochle ˈpɑxl small bundle, a small load, to steal a small thing furtively, mild theft in context
pauchtie supercilious, self conceited, arrogant in context
paum | pawm palm of hand  
paut | pawt ˈpɑt strike the ground with the foot  
paveelion | paveilion paˈvɪljun pavilion  
pavey-waveys ˈpevɪˈwevɪz girls skipping game  
paw | pa dad (father), a feeble gesture  
pawk pɑk a trick, wile  
pawkie pɑkɪ a mitten  
pawky cunning, sly, roguish in context
pawkery | pawkerie | paukery | paukerie | packerie | pokerie: most commonly in combination as; joukerie-pawkery trickery, slyness, double dealing in context
pawl make clutching movements  
pawnd a pawn, a pledge, a pawnshop  
pea pi pea, small marble, a knob of coal next size up from dross - lumps of coal were graded in size from steam (for steamships), to broken, to egg, to stove, to chestnut, and down to pea or purl, what's left is the dross  
peace | paice peace  
pearl | purl a stitch in knitting, a knob of coal the next size up from dross size  
pease | piz | pizz pea, peas in context
peasie pizɪ a small marble  
peat pit peat the compressed wet vegetable material that lies under the surface of a peat bog, slabs of which were dug up, dried, then burnt for heat and cooking  
peat-creel basket for carrying dried peats  
peat-fire dry peat burning on the hill  
peat-greeshoch red hot smouldering peat  
peat-hag hole or pit left by old peat workings  
peat-reek pitˈrik pungent smoke of a peat fire  
peat-rickle pitˈrɪkl three or four peats set on end together to dry  
pech pɛx pant, breathing hard after running, puff  
a sair pech aˈserˈpɛx an exhausting struggle  
pechan ˈpɛxan the stomach as a receptacle for food  
pechie | pechy short winded, out of puff  
pechin pɛxən panting, puffing in context
pecht | pikt out of breath, puffed out  
peck pɛk a measure of dry weight = quarter of a firlot  
peedgie ˈpidʒɪ small glass marble  
peedie small tiny, weedy in context
peefer pifər moan, whine  
peek | peik tiny point of light, tongue of flame  
peel | peil pil an equal match (a draw, in curling), also a stockade  
peeler a small crab at shell casting time  
peelie-wallie | peilie-wallie | peely-wally pilɪˈwalɪ pale in context
peen hammer metal out flat and thin  
peener ˈpinər a mason's peen hammer (tends to be big) - you get cross, straight or ball peen hammers, one head is flat as per normal the other is rounded (the ball) or wedge shaped (either parrallel (straight) with the handle or across it (cross)) - you've used a small cross peen if you've ever used a hammer with the narrow wedge face to tap a pin which was held gingerly twixt your finger and thumb till it grips - then finished the job off, with your fingers out of the way, with the flat face. That was a cross peen hammer.  
peend | pein | peen sloping point at the end of a roof  
peenge | peinge pindʒ whine  
peengie | peingie pindʒi peevish, whining in context
peenie | peinie pinafore in context
peeoy | peioy schoolchild's home-made firework - Haw! them were the days - take it from me domestic fireworks are tame compared to what they were - bangers were louder and we had others that are no longer sold, the price you are payin for less fun than us is a damn sight less injuries. My grown up mates still have the odd mark left from those bonfire nights.  
peep | peip small flame from a gas cooker  
pit his/her gas at a peep put someone in their place in context
peer | peerie a short-sighted  
peerie small, tiny, minuscule, a tiny creature in context
peerie | peirie a small fircone, a child's spinning top  
peerie ee'd a short-sighted small eyed peering person, a mysterious, slightly sinister person, a “dark horse”. in context
peerie-heidit | peirie-heidit a state of mental confusion in context
peerie weary a mysterious, slightly sinister person, a “dark horse”.  
peesie ˈpizɪ excellent, first rate  
peesweep | peewee | peeweet the lapwing, "Peese-weet, peese-weet, harry my nest, and gar me greet" in Victorian times the eggs were a delicacy  
peetie | peety | peity pity  
peetifu pitɪˈfu pitiful in context
peever the flat stone used in hopscotch  
peg-oot die, pass on, expire, shuffle off one's mortal coil in context
peh ˈpɛ pie in context
peil | peel pill, a tablet  
peir | peer pear  
pelsh | pish a drenching shower of rain in context
pen a pointed conical hill  
pend pɛnd an arch, a vaulted or arched passage into the back court of a house or tennements  
pennie penny  
penny-fee wage in money  
penny-wheep small beer  
pent | pint pɛnt paint in context
pented pɛntəd painted in context
peper | pepper ˈpɛpər paper in context
perfaission profession  
perfit | perfeck perfect  
pergaddus pərˈgadəs a heavy blow or fall  
perjink pərdʒɪŋk neat, smart, trim  
perk a pole or rod, a park  
perlaig disgusting trash  
perlicket pərˈlɪkɪt an iota, the tiniest scrap  
permeession | permeision permission  
pernicketie | pernickity particular, fastidious, obsessed by detail in context
peratt pirate in context
perswad pɛrswad persuade in context
pertin pɛrtən parting  
pervoo | forhoo pərˈvu bird abandoning its nest in context
peth pɛθ path, a cleft running up and down the slope of a hill, ravine  
peuch | pyoch pjux imitating a gust of wind, expressing disgust  
peuchle | pyochle | pyocher pjuxl work ineffectually, a cough  
peul | pewl pjul while, complain, weak animal,  
peuther | pewter ˈpjuθər a fuss about doing nothing  
peutherin | pewterin The action of soliciting (for a favour) or of currying favour in context
pue | pew pju the cry of a bird  
pey pəi pay in context
peyzart ˈpəizərt skinflint  
philabeg kilt - but originally meant the whole plaid which formed the kilt and with enough spare to wrap the torso and at night the whole thing could double as a wrap to act as a sleeping bag  
phisik ˈfɪzɪk having treatment  
photie ˈfotɪ photograph in context
phrase | frase | fraise elaborate flowery speech, flattery, look of surprise  
phrasie | fraisie frezɪ gushing, too fussy  
pibroch ˈpibrox bagpipe compositions - avoid the laments, marches are good  
picher ˈpixər a flap, a confusion, useless person in context
pick pitch, spade in playing cards  
pickant, picken piquant, biting, tart in context
pickerel | pikkerel the dunlin, any small wading birds  
pickle | puckle a grain (measure) of oats, barley and such, a few, tiny amount - it might be that the well known term "mony a mickle maks a muckle" was originally "mony a pickle maks a muckle" since mickle and muckle are the same word that has the meaning; a large amount, huge in context
pickman a miner  
pickmaw black-headed gull  
pictarnie ˈpɪkˈtarnɪ common or arctic tern, thin  
pictur | picter picture, film  
pictur-hoose | picturs | picters pɪktʃərˈhus cinema  
piece pis a sandwich, food and drink for a work break in context
piece box lunch box in context
pig | pigg pot, jar, earthenware  
pike | pyke pəik pointed tip, spike, thorn, quill in context
pike | pyke pəik an amount (of something) snatched, a picking in context
pikie pəikɪ spiked, jagged, barbed  
pikit weir | pikit weer barbed wire  
pile increase speed by moving the body or parts thereof (e.g. on a swing), a heap, post  
pilk pick out, shell, top and tail, peel, steal in context
pillae | pilla | pillie pillow  
piller small crab at shell casting time  
pilleurichie pɪˈlurəxɪ hullaballoo, uproar  
pilliewinkis pılıˈwınkıs  torture instrument for squeezing and crushing the fingers  
pilpert cold and ill fed child  
pinch spend or give meanly, stint, move something heavy by lever  
pinch | pinch-bar pointed iron bar for making post holes or using as a lever  
pinchers pɪnʃərs tweezers, crowbar, pliers  
pincil pencil  
pingle ˈpɪŋl strive, compete, quarrel  
pink primrose, anything very small, short tinkling sound  
pinkie little finger, a weak beer  
pint (Scots) three imperial pints  
pint stowp pəintˈstʌup a mug or tankard that holds a Scots pint  
pintle ˈpɪntl penis  
piper ˈpəipər one who plays the pipes (bagpipes)  
piper's bidding a belated last minute invite  
pirk sharp point, thorn  
pirl | purl prod, thrust, twist, twirl, coil, roll, spin in context
pirn | pirm bobbin, reel of sewing thread  
pirr a common tern  
pirr sudden sharp breeze, flow, tremble with anger  
pirr-maw pɪrˈmɑ black-headed gull  
pish gush, splash out, urinate, urine  
pit pit, also one's bed in context
pit | pitt put in context
pit by set aside, savings  
pitcaithly bannock a shortbread containing chopped almonds and citron peel - spent a great deal of my youth at Pitkeathly (the modern spelling) and got my first bicycle from the man that lived in the Spa house on the hill.  
pitcher ˈpɪtʃər hopscotch  
pith the strength giving quality of food, the vibrancy of a person  
pitten put  
placads proclamations.  
plack a small coin, very little in context
catch-the-plack grubbing for money, greed in context
plackless hard-up  
plackless penniless.  
plaid | plaidie | plaiden pled a long rectangular length of twilled woolen cloth usually in tartan worn as an outer cover wrap or as a shawl by women - now mostly seen on band pipe majors worn like a sash  
plaiden coarse woolen cloth  
plain featureless ground  
plainstane flagstone, pavement  
plaister ˈplestər plaster, go about things in a slapdash slovenly way in context
plait pleased  
plane-tree sycamore  
plat | plet flat, clear, plain, very,  
platch | plotch ˈplatʃ a splashing, stamping movements in water or mud  
plaunt plant  
playock a toy  
please | pleise pliz to relish, like, please  
pleen formal complaint in context
pleisant | pleesant pleasant  
pleisur | pleesure pleasure  
plenish ˈplɛnɪʃ furnish  
plenish'd stocked  
plenishins furniture  
plert heavy fall into soft ground, mud etc.  
plett | pleat plait, pigtail, fold, twist  
plettie ˈplɛtɪ (Dundee) balconies running the length along the back of tennements giving access to the entrance doors in context
plettie-stanes pavement  
plicht plɪxt plight  
pliskie prank, escapade, trick  
pliver | plivver ˈplɪvər plover  
plodge plodʒ squelch along on wet ground  
plot | plout plot scald, very hot  
plottin overheated state in context
plou | plew | ploo | pleu plough in context
plooboy ploughboy  
plooman ˈpluˈmən ploughman  
Pieter's Plou The Big Dipper in context
plouk | plook | pluke pluk pimple in context
plookit covered in spots  
ploum | ploom plum plum  
plowt plunge something, fall heavily into liquid, pelt down  
plowter | ploiter ˈplʌutər dabble in water, a messy worker, heavy rain  
ploy venture, scheme  
pluffie | pluffy plʌfɪ plump, puffy, well padded, toffee type of puff candy  
plug plʌg play truant, the ugly school child in the Bash St Kids from the Beano  
plunk | plank dull heavy sound, a heavy short fall, set down heavily, a game of marbles, flick off the marble, play truant  
plunker heavy glass or clay marble  
plype pləip sudden heavy short rain shower, plunge into, walk on squelchy ground  
poacket pokəʔ a pocket  
poatch | potch potʃ catch game illegally, poach, stir, poke, push, prod  
poch pox slightly unwell, not at one's best  
podger podʒər sexual intercourse in context
podle podl tadpole  
poind to seize  
poke | pock | poak pok bag, sack, paper bag for sweets or flour or chips etc, to prod in context
denner-poke ˈdɛnər-pok lunch bag in context
plastipoke plastic carrier bag in context
polis ˈpolɪs police in context
pollywag ˈpolɪˈwag tadpole  
pooch | pootch putʃ pocket, purse, affectionate name for a dog in context
poond | poun ˈpund pound sterling, Scottish RBS one pound notes were still in circulation and legal when I looked in 2016 but rarely seen in the wild. The English pound note was withrrawn in 1988 in favour of the pound coin in context
poor | pooer pour, flow out through a spout or pipe in context
poor doon | pooer doon downpour, heavy shower of rain  
poor | pooer pour, flow out through a spout or pipe in context
poorie purɪ a jug  
poortith purtɪð poverty, lean from malnourishment  
pork prod, poke, push  
pose poz place an object to hide it  
poseetion | poseition poziˈʃʌn position  
posie collection, hoard of valuables  
possibill possible in context
postie postman in context
potted heid | potted hoch ˈpotədˈhid Potted heid, my dads favourite, a cold meaty jelly made from boiling the meat off of the skull of a cow or pig. Hoch if you use a hock, the ankle bit of the beast.
After boiling the head until the meat starts coming off remove and discard the bones, teeth, eyes, snout, workings of the nasal cavity and inner ear and anything hairy – then remove and shred up and keep the meat that's left. Reduce the remaining brew by boiling it to concentrate the gelatin. When that's done add back in the shredded meat and some vegetables like onions, carrot, swedes, leek etc. and cook for a bit. Season well and then allow it to set and cool in small pots - waste not want not - spreads well on toast. If you like living off the land stories here's Brixton's Bounty's Blog who has a proper recipe and makes this stuff for real and speaks from actual experience.
in context
pottie made of earthenware a babies pot for pooing into  
pou | pu | poo pu pull in context
pou tab ring pull, zipper pull, light cord pull in context
poud | pood pʌud pulled  
pouder ˈpudər powder in context
pouer | pooer power in context
pouk | pook puk pluck, pull, moulting condition in birds in context
poukie dejected and thin looking person  
poukit | pookit pukɪt plucked, puny, meagre  
poup | poop pup defecate in context
poupit | poopit puˈpɪt pulpit  
pouskered ˈpuskərd exhausted in context
pouss | pooss | pouse pʌʃ push, incite  
poussie | pussie pusɪ a hare (also a cat). in context
poust | poost strength, power, force in context
pout | powt, poot pʌut a young game bird  
pouter | pooter ˈputər poke, stir up  
pouther | poother | pooder ˈpuðər powder in context
pouther | pouder | pudder | puther ˈpuðər (curling) the power behind the delivery of a stone, the impetus delivered to the stone  
potterneeshin ˈpotərˈniʃən a state of ruin, go to the dogs  
pow pʌu the head of a person, the crown, the end part of inanimate objects in context
pow slow moving ditch like stream in carse lands  
powheid | poweheid ˈpʌuhid tadpole  
powie ˈpʌuɪ a smiths flat headed hand hammer with the head ends worn to rounds  
powk ˈpʌuk dig in a careless way, walk making a dull thudding sound with the feet  
powt ˈpʌut poke or prod with a long stick  
powl pʌul pole, walking stick  
pownie | powny pony  
powsowdie | powsodie ˈpʌuˈsʌudɪ sheep's head thick broth. “the first Scottish dish encountered by the Wordsworths and Coleridge on their Scottish tour.” Dorothy Wordsworth wrote that they “ate heartily of it.” – Ferguson the Scottish poet wrote that “A gude sheep’s Heid/Wha’s hide was singeit, never fleed.” (that is, not ‘flayed,’ in other words cooked whole). – Information in depth and referenced on this British Food in America Web site. in context
powter ˈpʌutər prodding repeatedly with the long stick, paddle or poke about in a liquid in context
pozie alley between buildings  
practicall prezənt pertaining to practice, engaged in practice in context
praisent prezənt present  
praisentlie | praisently presently, at this moment  
pram press down, squeeze  
pran crush, reduce to pulp, pound  
prap prop  
prat trick, jape  
preach | preich | praitch preach in context
preceese | preceise prəˈsɪz precise, exactly, precisely  
pree | prie pri try out, sample  
preein a small quantity, a tiny taste  
preen | prein a metal pin in context
prent print  
prentice apprentice in context
preses | preeses | preises ˈprisez president, chairperson  
press prɛs large wall cupboard  
press bed bed built into a wall recess with wooden doors  
pridefu | prydefu prəidˈfu snobbish  
prig haggle, importune, plead  
prime | pryme fill, stuff, load  
primp dress-up, over-neat  
prinkle tingle, prickling of the skin  
privie hedge | privy hedge privet hedge  
proadge prodʒ poking or prodding movement with a long stick or such in context
prog a piercing weapon or missile, probe, goad  
proke poke about  
prood | proud prud proud  
propine money for drink  
propone proˈpon propose  
proven proved  
provost | provest ˈprovəst similar to the english term mayor but better  
pruif | prufe proof  
pruve | pruive pruv prove  
pudden | puddin types of sausage made from usually mainly edible mixtures containing such as oatmeal, suet, blood, offal, onions, herbs etc, stuffed into and cooked in a stomach lining or entrails - keeps well, a stupid clumsy person in context
pudden | puddin the sweet course in a meal, pudding as in prunes and custard in context
puddie doo pudɪˈdu pet pigeon in context
puddock | paddock frog, toad in context
puddock stuil ˈpʌdəkˈstul mushroom, toadstool  
puddock's cruddles frogspawn  
pudge pʌdʒ short and fat person or animal  
pudget a heavy eater  
puff pʌf to brag  
puffed-oot pʌfdˈut out of breath in context
puffle puff up  
puggelt | puggle exhausted, done for and at a stand still in context
puggie pʌgɪ monkey, a hole or ring into which marbles are rolled (game), - which brings me to the term 'freezing the balls off a brass monkey' which refers to cannon ball amunition that if stacked pyramid wise on a brass puggie tends to roll off if the brass shrinks enough due to a low temperature in context
puidge sty, pig-sty, a very dirty or untidy place, house or room in context
puil | pule pøl pool  
puirtith poverty  
puist pøst cram, stuff full  
pulloch pulox a small edible crab  
pult a short stout person  
pump pʌmp break wind, fart in context
punce pʌns pounce or a nudge or a poke  
puncheon pʌnʃɪun stilletto, dagger  
punct | punt pʌŋkt a point, a speck  
pund | pun pʌnd pound weight or value  
pund a single rustle of animals by rustlers, a pound, enclosure for animals  
pundie pʌndɪ a strong beer or liquor  
punkie pʌnkɪ a game of marbles played in three scoops in the ground  
punse to emboss  
puppie poppy flower, a puppet  
purfle | purfled | purfelt ˈpʌrfɪt fat and asthmatic or wheezy  
purls pʌrls pearls, small balls of dung from rabbits or sheep in context
purpie purple  
purry brose stirred in with chopped up kail or other vegetables, once made it on a penniless day in my student flat and hated it, but the flatmates and pals after a cold Sunday morning of football loved it - so they said  
pursepenny a coin or other item of high value kept permanently as it is felt to bring good luck in context
pushion | pooshin ˈpuʒən poison in context
puslick ˈpʌʃlək dried droppings of a sheep or cow  
puss ˈpʌs one's face in context
putt | put pʌt push, thrust, nudge gently, a butt from an animal, a Scottish golf stroke  
puttock the buzzard  
pyauve | pyauvin pjɑv ailing, suffering from the heat, a fit of nausia  
pye from a counting out nonsense ryme - hytum, pytum, peni, pye, pop a lorie, jinkie jye, an, tan, toap, stall ye oot by  
pyke pəik steal, pilfer, to pick  
pyle | pile a snowflake  
pyles pəilz grains, piles as of in the bottom  
pynt ˈpəint point in context
pyrn ˈpɪrn a bobbin  
pyot | pyet ˈpaɪət the magpie, irresponsible person, other things with a pied plumage or coat  

Scottish Words illustrated