vacance | vagans |
ˈvekəns |
holiday - wait a minute, is this a french glossary - no… but it's the auld alliance, the name for when Scotland shared a mutual cultural and military alliance with France in opposition to England explains the language overlap I think, one benefit being the major import and drinking of wine and claret by various means (even into the time of Rabbie Burns (smuggling)) - (the alliance began in 1295 and only ceased (but was not revoked) when the Scottish king James VI became the king of England in 1603 (James I)). De Gaul said "In every combat where for five centuries the destiny of France was at stake, there were always men of Scotland to fight side by side with men of France, and what Frenchmen feel is that no people has ever been more generous than yours with its friendship." |
vaig | vage | vyaug |
veg |
wander about idly, gad about |
in context |
vaige | vayage |
ˈvəidʒ |
voyage |
ill vage tae ye |
bad luck to you |
vaik |
fall empty. have time for |
vainish |
ˈvənɪʃ |
vanish |
vangaird |
vanguard |
variorium |
varɪorˈorəm |
novelty, trinket, ornament |
vaudie |
ostentatious |
vauntie | vaunty | vantie | vannie |
ˈvɑntɪ |
proud, boastful, vain |
in context |
vause | vawse |
vase |
veecious | veicious |
ˈviʃəs |
vicious |
in context |
veed |
viːd |
senile |
veenegar | veinigar |
vinegar |
veesit, veisit |
ˈvizɪt |
visit |
in context |
veeve | vieve | veive |
viv |
brisk, lively, life-like, bright, vivid |
veige | veege |
vəɪdʒ |
voyage |
vennel |
ˈvɛnəl |
alley between houses, small street |
vent |
chimney flue |
ventur | venter |
ˈvɛntər |
venture, to take one's chance |
ventourous | venturous |
ˈvɛntər |
adventurous, bold, willing to take risks; impetuous |
vera | varra | wery |
ˈvɛra |
very |
vertie | verty | vairtie |
′vɛrte |
Energetic, active, especially at an early hour of the day, |
in context |
veshel |
ˈvɛʃl |
vessel |
vetite |
ˈvɛtɪt |
forbidden, interdit |
vex |
fret grieve, be sorry , trouble, vex |
in context |
viadant |
vəiadənt |
traveller |
vice |
ˈvəiz |
the place of another |
view | vyow |
vju |
view |
virl |
ˈvɪrəl |
ferrule |
virr |
force, strength |
in context |
Visibill |
visible |
in context |
vittle |
victual |
vivers |
ˈvɪvərz |
provisions, victuals |
vizzie | vizzy |
ˈvɪzɪ |
study, examine closely, a visit, to visit. glimpse |
vogie | voky | voke | vocky |
ˈvogɪ |
vain, vanity |
vou, voo |
vu |
vow |
voust | vost |
vʌust |
brag |
vult | wout |
vut |
countenance, features |
vyce | vice |
vəiz |
voice |
vyre |
vəir |
whirl, turn |