fa | faa | faw |
fɑ |
to fall, to happen to one, fall, befall (in blessings/curse - fa fair, fa foul, fa shame) |
in context |
fa's | faws |
falls |
in context |
fa |
to come by, to win |
faa |
entrails and bits used for sausages |
fa'n | faan |
fallen |
fa aboot |
ˈfɑˈabut |
set about a task |
factor |
a property manager or a business agent |
faddom |
ˈfadəm |
fathom, six feet of depth |
in context |
fadge |
fadʒ |
flat round thick loaf or bannock |
fadmel |
a weight measure for a lump of lead |
fae |
fe |
from, foe |
in context |
faem | fame |
foam |
faik |
fek |
grasp,grip, fold in a garment, fold out and back as in the mouth of a bag, coil as in rope |
in context |
faik |
lower, abate, remit (money), spare, let go |
fail |
fel |
turf for a roof or wall, sod |
in context |
fail dyke |
fel dəik |
turf wall |
faimish |
famish |
faimlie | faimilie |
family |
faimish |
famish |
fain |
affectionate, loving |
in context |
fainness |
joy, liking, love |
faiple |
fepl |
loose drooping underlip |
fair |
fair, complete, utter |
yer fair done in |
you're utterly exhausted |
fair furth the gate |
candid |
faird |
ferd |
a hasty movement, impetus |
fair fa | fairfaa | fairfaw |
good befall! welcome, bless |
fairfolk |
fairies |
fairin |
a present from a fair |
fairly |
certainly! of course! - emphatic |
in context |
fairmer |
farmer |
faither | fallie |
father |
in context |
faize |
annoy, ruffle |
faize-oot |
fray, become less new through use |
fallachen |
ˈfalaxan |
a hoard, a concealed store |
in context |
fallae | fallie | falla | fallow |
fellow |
falsers |
false teeth |
in context |
falset |
liar, lie |
falset jotters |
forged papers |
in context |
falset loon |
charlatan |
in context |
fan | fand |
found, put to the test |
in context |
fancies |
special treats usually of the baked kind, or edible adornments |
in context |
fang |
faŋ |
a capture, booty, stolen goods, heavy bundle |
fang |
the power of suction - pump, hoover etc. |
aff the fang |
without one's usual power or skill |
fank |
sheep pen, rope coil |
fankle |
ˈfaɳkl |
tangle, become entangled, ensnare, complicate, worked up |
in context |
fankling | fangling |
tangling, complicating |
in context |
fantoush | fantoosh |
flashy |
far | fer |
far |
far-aff |
far-off |
farawa skreed |
a letter from abroad |
farawa wi't |
seriously ill |
faran | farran |
starboard side of the boat |
farrant |
how found - defined by preceding adjective - auld farrant = old fashioned, foul farrant = foul tempered |
fardel |
a fourth part, a quarter |
fardel | farl |
a three conered cake (fourth part of a round cake - triangular) e.g. tattie scones, soda scones, oatcakes, shortbread, treacle scones, mmmmmmm |
fareweel |
ˈferwil |
farewell tattie scone, doon the hatch... |
in context |
farin | farein |
ferın |
food, fare |
in context |
farkage |
an untidy bundle or heap |
farrach |
ˈfarəx |
strength |
fas |
a tassel, a thing of little value |
fash | fasch |
annoy, irritate, trouble, inconvenience, afflict |
in context |
dinni fash yersel |
do not worry, do not be troubled |
in context |
fasherie |
trouble |
in context |
fashious |
troublesome |
fastern's e'en |
ˈfastərnzˈivən |
Shrove Tuesday |
fatterals |
ribbon ends |
fauch | faugh |
ˈfɑx |
a fallow field, the breaking up of such a field, light brown |
in context |
fauchat |
throw in, give up |
fauchle | fyachle |
ˈfjɑxl |
work lazily, listlessly, useless worker |
faucht, focht |
ˈfɑxt |
fought |
faugh | fauch |
fɑx |
pale brown, yellowish |
fauld | fald |
fɑld |
fold in cloth, a strand of rope, fold shut, a sheep-fold, animal pen |
fauld dyke |
ˈfɑld diək |
the wall enclosing such an enclosure |
faun |
fallen |
faur | fer |
fɑr |
far |
faur back |
long ago |
faurdin |
farthing |
faurer |
farther |
fause |
fɑs |
false, treacherous |
fause-house |
props in a cornstack forming a hollow to assist the drying of it |
faut |
fɑt |
blame, fault |
in context |
fautor |
transgressor |
feal |
loyal, faithful |
feardie |
a person feeling scared |
in context |
feart | feartit |
feared, scared |
in context |
feasible | faisible |
ˈfezəbl |
feasible |
feat | feit |
fit |
adroit, clever, trim |
fecht | ficht | focht |
fɛxt |
fight |
in context |
ficht wi one's ain taes |
be extremely quarrelsome - fight with one's own toes |
a sair fecht |
a struggle, a difficult task |
in context |
feck |
effect, force, value, the greater part |
feckfu |
fɛkfu |
powerful, effective |
feckless |
weak, incompetent |
in context |
fedder |
feather |
in context |
fee |
engagement as servant, servants wages |
in context |
feech |
fix |
expressing disgust |
feechie |
disgusting, foul |
in context |
feem | feim |
fim |
get hot and bothered, state of agitation, in a sweat |
feenish | feinish |
finish |
feeroch | | feeroch | feiroch | feerich |
ˈfirox |
state of agitation, bustle, rage |
feerochry |
a state of great rage |
in context |
feersum |
fearsome |
in context |
feeze |
fiz |
a screw, a screwing or twisting motion |
feff |
a bad smell |
feg |
fɛg |
a fig |
fegs |
truly, faithfully - by my fegs (oath) |
feide |
feud |
feifteen |
fifteen |
feingie | fenzie | fenye |
ˈfɛŋjɪ |
feign, make pretence |
feints |
ˈfɛŋjɪ |
feints is the tail end of the flow from the still in distilling whisky and is cut (removed) from going on into becoming whisky. The alcohol it contains is diminishing and contains other substances not good for the taste. The very first part of the flow from the still called the foreshot is also cut from going on to become whisky. The output in between these two, called hearts or middle cuts, is what is allowed to continue on into becoming whisky. |
feir | fere |
fir |
a band, a host |
fell |
cause to fall, stunning blow, kill, injure |
fell |
fɛl |
a steep rocky hill (moor) |
fell |
remarkable or considerable of its kind, fierce |
in context |
fell |
of cruel disposition, ruthless (person), inclement, severe (weather) |
felter |
tangle |
feltieflier |
ˈfɛltɪˈfliər |
the fieldfare |
fenceless |
defenseless |
fend |
defend, shelter, guard |
fendin |
provision, support |
fent |
opening in garment |
ferdy |
ferdɪ |
strong, active |
in context |
fere | feir | feer |
fir |
healthy, sturdy |
fere for fere |
equal in every respect |
hale an fere |
unimpaired |
ferlie | ferly |
ˈfɛrlɪ |
wonder, marvel, a strange sight |
in context |
ferm | fairm |
ˈfɛrm |
farm |
in context |
fermer | fairmer |
farmer |
ferntickled |
ˈfɛrnˈtɪklt |
freckled |
in context |
fernyear |
the preceding year |
ferrier |
farrier, vet |
fesh | fech | fess |
ˈfɛʃ |
fetch |
fest |
fast |
fettle | fettil |
ˈfɛtl |
strength, vigour, to repair, to set about or to to work, neat, trim, well made, suited |
in context |
feuach | feuich | fewich |
Humorously, of thinness, sparseness |
in context |
feuch |
to puff - at a pipe, a draw, a puff |
in context |
feuch |
a resounding blow, a state of great excitement or rage |
in context |
feuchter |
ˈfjuxtər |
a slight fall of snow |
fey |
fe |
doomed, cursed by the fairies |
ficher |
ˈfixər |
fumble, fiddle nervously with ones fingers |
fickle |
difficult |
fickler |
a problem, puzzle |
fidder |
flutter, excited |
fiddle | feedle |
fiddle |
fiddler |
fiddler |
fiddler's biddin |
a last-minute invitation |
fidge |
fidget |
in context |
fidgin' fain |
extremely impatient, too eager |
in context |
fiel | felde |
fild |
field |
fieldie | fieldy |
hedge-sparrow |
fient | feint | feent |
fint |
devil, fiend |
fift |
fifth |
fillebeg |
kilt - but originally meant the whole plaid which formed the kilt and with spare to wrap the torso and at night the whole thing could double as a wrap when in the open on the hill to act like a sleeping bag |
filschach |
ˈfɪlʃəx |
greedy untrustworthy person |
fine |
comfortable, had sufficient, |
fine that |
indeed, certainly |
finger-neb |
finger tip |
finnd | fin |
find |
finnicky |
ˈfɪnɪkɪ |
fussy pernickity |
finkel |
fennel |
fir-tap | fir-yowe |
fir-cone |
fire | fyre |
ignite, fire |
fire-flaucht |
fəirflɑxt |
lightning bolt |
firlot | ferlot |
dry volume - the fourth part of a boll - lippies, pecks, firlots, bolls and chalders varied depending on what was being measured |
firr |
state of agitation or excitement |
firris |
excitement, rage |
firth |
fɪrθ |
a wide inlet of the sea, an estuary - not a translation, that's their name - if narrow then a sea loch |
in context |
fisherin |
fish eating |
in context |
fush | fisch |
fish |
fishies | fischies |
fish |
in context |
fissle |
make a rustling , scuffling noise, fuss |
fit | fuit | fute |
foot |
in context |
ilka fit an fur |
every detail |
fitbaa | fitba | fitbaw |
football |
fitlike |
fɪtləik |
how are you, similar to, just as so, such as |
in context |
fits a' dae |
what is happening here then, what's wrong |
in context |
fittie-lan |
the near horse of the hind-most pair in the plough |
fittock |
stocking with the foot cut off |
fittiefie |
ˈfɪtɪˈfaɪ |
a whim |
fiver | fivver |
ˈfɪvr |
fever |
fixins |
repairs |
in context |
fizz |
to make a fuss, to bustle; to be in a great rage |
in context |
fizzin |
making a fuss, be in a great rage |
in context |
flaff | flaf |
flap, flutter, palpitate |
flaffin |
flapping, making innefectual undirected progress with a task |
flag |
a large snowflake |
flae |
fli |
a flea, a fly |
flaich | flech |
flɛx |
a flea, a restless person, to scratch oneself vigorously (to move the flea (dog)) |
in context |
flaid |
fu |
flayed, skinned alive. |
in context |
flainin |
flannen |
in context |
flair | fleer | fluir |
ˈflər |
floor |
in context |
flait | flate |
flet |
scolded |
flamagaster |
flaməˈgastər |
a stunning shock of surprise or dissapointment |
flang |
flung, dance sportily |
in context |
flannen |
flannel |
flaucht |
ˈflɑxt |
flash, burst of lightning, weave intertwine |
flauchter |
ˈflɑxtər |
pare turf from the ground |
flaunter |
tremble excitedly |
fleckit |
dappled, flecked |
flee | flie |
fli |
a fly, to fly, also move at speed |
in context |
flees |
storms into, takes off |
in context |
a close mooth catches nae flees |
watch it, idle gossip causes trouble |
flee-aboot |
being restlessly busy all over the place |
flee-intae |
attack with vigour |
in context |
let that flee stick tae the wa |
leave that subject or topic for another time |
nae flees on him/her |
a person who is alert, clever and quick witted |
fleein |
hilariously drunk, flying |
in context |
fleech | fleetch | flietch |
flitʃ |
wheedle, coax, cajole |
fleem |
fløm |
phlegm |
fleep |
flip |
a lazy oaf |
fleesh |
fliʃ |
fleece |
fleet | fleit |
float, scold |
fleet |
fast, quick of foot |
fleet dyke |
a wall to prevent flooding |
in context |
fleg |
flɛg |
fright, to frighten |
in context |
gie us a rare fleg |
give us a really good fright |
in context |
flesh |
meat |
flesher | fleshour |
butcher |
in context |
flet |
a flat |
fleth'rin |
ˈflɛðərɪn |
flattering |
fleuk | fluke |
fljuk |
a flounder, flatfish |
flew | fleu |
flew |
flewit |
fljuıt |
a sharp lash |
fley |
fləi |
frighten, scare, a frightening person |
flicher |
ˈflɪxər |
giggle |
flicht |
ˈflıxt |
flight |
in context |
flichter |
ˈflɪxtər |
flutter, fly awkwardly - (of light ) flicker |
in context |
flichtermoose |
ˈflıxtərmus |
bat |
flinders | flitters |
shreds, splinters |
fling |
a Scottish dance, the act of kicking out |
flinty |
flɪntɪ |
sharp, keen |
in context |
flird |
flaunt |
flisk |
whisk, frisk |
flit |
shift, move home |
moonlicht-flit |
moving at night to avoid rent etc |
flittit |
moved away |
flocht |
floxt |
the act of fleeing |
flodge |
flodʒ |
walk clumsily |
in context |
flooer | flo'er | floor | flour | flouer |
flur |
flower, flour |
in context |
flotter |
overflow |
flow |
a bog, a morass |
flozent |
swollen, puffed up |
fluff |
blow, puff, move in the breeze |
fluffer |
excite, agitate |
flunge |
caper |
flunkie |
flʌnkı |
servant |
flumgummery |
flʌmˈgʌmərɪ |
any foolish thing, action or carry on |
flunner |
flunər |
flounder |
fluther |
flʌðər |
confusion, agitation |
fly |
Crafty, cunning |
in context |
flype | flipe |
ˈfləip |
fold back, flop down heavily for a short rest |
flyte | flite |
ˈfləit |
scold |
focht | fochten |
ˈfɑxt |
fought |
in context |
fodge |
fodʒ |
fat clumsy person |
fodgel |
plump, buxom |
fog | fogg |
moss, lichen |
foldie |
foldable |
in context |
follae | folla |
follow, accompany |
foo | fow |
fu |
how, for what means |
in context |
foo istye ca'm |
what is it you call him |
foo istadae wi ye |
ˈfuˈɪstəˈdeˈwijɪ |
what is the matter with you |
foond |
found |
in context |
foonder | founder |
collapse |
foonds | founds |
foundations |
foongil |
ˈfundʒəl |
work shy person |
foor |
fared |
foorich |
ˈfurəx |
bustle, confusion |
foosh |
soot, dust, light powdery substance, mouldy, smells mouldy |
for | fur | fir | fur |
for |
for, because of, as a result of |
for aa that |
notwithstanding |
for fear |
lest |
foraye |
forəi |
forever |
forbears |
forefathers |
forby, forbye |
forˈbaɪ |
beyond, besides, in addition to, except |
in context |
fordlel | fordell |
ˈfordl |
lead, advancement |
forder | further |
ˈfordər |
further |
fordone |
ˈfordrøn |
exhausted |
fordullit |
made stupid |
fore |
before |
fore-caddie |
going ahead of the player to observe where the golf ball landed |
foregang |
ˈforˈgjaŋ |
an omen or wraith thought to foretell death |
forehaimer |
ˈforˈhɛmər |
sledge-hammer |
foreheid |
ˈforˈhid |
forehead |
foreland |
beach |
foremaist |
ˈformest |
foremost, first |
forenent |
before, in front of |
forenicht |
ˈforˈnɪxt |
evening |
forenuin | forenune |
ˈforˈnøn |
forenoon |
foreshot |
ˈforʃot |
foreshot is the spirit first out of the still in the whisky distillation process and is cut (removed) from going on into becoming whisky. It contains too much methanol and it will also spoil the taste. The remainder, the middle cuts or hearts is allowed to continue into becoming whisky but not the tail end of the flow from the still, called the feints, which is diverted because it will also spoil the taste. |
in context |
foreside |
front |
forfairn |
worn out, forlorn |
forfecht | forfochen | forfochten | forfauchlet |
fərˈfoxtən |
be overcome, exhausted, done in, at the end of one's tether |
in context |
forfend |
to prevent, forbid, to defend |
in context |
forforn |
worn out |
forgain |
opposite |
forgaither | forgather |
ˈfərˈgeðər |
assemble |
forgie |
ˈforgi |
forgive |
forgoat |
forgot |
in context |
forgrutten |
tear-stained |
forhou | forhoo |
fərˈhu |
forsake |
in context |
forjaskit | forjeskit |
fərˈdʒɛskɪt |
fatigued, jaded |
forker | forky tail |
earwig |
forleet | forleit |
forsake |
forloppin |
forˈlopən |
renegade, deserting one's duty |
in context |
fornacket |
fərˈnakət |
a hard slap |
in context |
fornyaw |
forˈnjɑ |
worn out, tired |
forrit |
forward |
in context |
back an forrit |
backwards and forwards |
forritsome |
bold, impudent |
in context |
forsay |
deny |
fotch |
swop one for another, flinch |
fother |
fodder |
fothersome |
rash |
fou | fu | foo | fow |
fu |
full, drunk |
in context |
stottin fou |
extremely drunk |
in context |
foul | fowl | fowll |
fu |
foul, disgusting, repulsive |
in context |
foughten |
troubled |
foumart | thumart |
polecat, ferret |
in context |
fousome |
loathsome, dirty |
foust | foost |
rot, mould |
foustie | foostie |
ˈfustɪ |
decayed, mouldy |
in context |
fouter | footer |
ˈfutər |
bungle, exasperating behaviour,work in an unskilled way |
in context |
fouterie |
insignificant, trivial, paltry |
in context |
fouth | footh |
fuθ |
abundance |
fouthless |
barren |
foutie | footie |
ˈfutɪ |
mean, despicable |
in context |
fow |
fʌu |
a pitchfork, a restless tossing movement (feet) |
fower | fouer |
fʌur |
numeral four |
in context |
fower-neukit |
four cornered |
fower-oors |
afternoon meal (tea) |
fowert |
fourth |
fowerteen | fowerteent |
fourteen |
fowertie |
forty |
fowertiet |
fortieth |
fowk | folk | foak | foke |
fʌuk |
people, folk |
in context |
foy |
a leaving celebration |
in context |
fozie |
soft spongy, flabby, dull, stupid |
foziness |
ponginess, flabbiness, stupidity |
in context |
frae | fi | fra |
fre |
from |
in context |
fraik | frake |
a whim, an odd notion, flattery, a flatterer, coax |
frail |
frel |
a rush basket |
frammle |
gobble up, confused mass |
fraucht |
frɑxt |
freight, load |
frawart |
contrary, perverse |
freelie | freely |
completely |
freend | freen | freend | frein | frien |
frind |
friend |
freenge | freinge |
frindʒ |
fringe |
freit | freet |
superstition, sayings |
fremd | fremmit |
frɛmd |
foreign, unfamiliar, uncommon, alien |
in context |
freuch |
frjux |
dry and brittle |
awa tae Freuchie |
go to blazes - also there is such a place as Freuchie and turns out that it was not too far from where I was as a kid when I first heard that term but didn't know it was a place |
fricht |
frɪxt |
fright, frighten |
in context |
frichtsome |
frightful |
frizzel | frezel |
the steel to get sparks with when you hit a flint |
fro |
froth, foam |
froun | froon |
frun |
frown |
frump |
the sulks |
fruize | fruze |
fruz |
froze |
frush |
crisp, short, crumbly, bold |
fruster |
bring to nothing, make useless |
fryne | frine |
frəin |
fret |
fu |
fu |
full |
in context |
fu-han't |
full-handed |
fud |
fʌd |
buttocks, a short tail (of a rabbit or hare), pubic hair |
in context |
fudder |
hurry |
fuff |
fʌf |
emit puffs of smoke, puff, huff or rage |
in context |
fuffle |
dishevel, ruffle, rearrange, fuss |
fugie |
fjudɪ |
fugitive |
in context |
fuid | fid | fude |
fød |
food |
fuil | fil | fule |
fool |
fuird | foord | furde |
førd |
ford |
fuirday |
ˈføˈde |
late in the day |
fuish |
fetch |
fulmart |
bird, a type of petrel |
fulyie | fuillie |
ˈfuljı |
dirt, filth, garbage |
fum |
disagreeable smell, awful aroma |
in context |
fummle |
fumble |
fund | fun |
fʌnd |
found |
fung | funk |
fʌnk |
kick, throw up the legs (horse) get upset, fly into a temper |
in context |
fupperty jig |
a trick, a dodge |
fur | for |
for |
in context |
dinni worry, whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye |
do not be disappointed by whatever has not gone your way, whatever is meant for you will not pass you by, have no fear |
fur, furr |
fʌr |
furrow made by a plough |
fur-ahin |
the hindmost plough-horse in the furrow |
fure |
før |
carry, convey - by sea |
furlie |
a piece of machinery or equipment, esp. one that revolves or has wheels |
in context |
furlie-majigger |
ˈfʌrlɪˈməˈdʒgər |
whirliegig, a cheap showy ornament |
furm | firm |
a wooden form |
furrin |
fʌrın |
foreign, abroad |
furst |
first |
furth | foorth |
forth, out of doors, - gang furth an multiply |
fushion |
plenty, vigour, the sustaining goodness in food, energy |
in context |
fushionless |
insipid, without vigour, lacking in nourishment, without energy |
in context |
futrat | futtret | futterag |
The weasel, a weasel like persom, narrow faced furtive |
in context |
futtle |
inefficient or useless instrument or tool, a botcher. |
in context |
fy |
faɪ |
hurry, or a calling to notice |
fy aye |
yes indeed no question! |
fyke | fike |
fiək fık fɛk |
fuss, fidget, fret, vex |
in context |
fykerie |
fussing over trifling matters, fidgety |
in context |
fyle | file |
fiəl |
defame, to defile, make dirty, foul |
fyooack |
tiny quantity of anything, next to nothing |
fyoonach |
fjunax |
a light dusting of snow |