Rab Ha |
a glutton, voracious eater - apparently after a famous Glasgow vagrant, long gone. |
in context |
rabiator | rubeteur |
rubˈɑtər |
a scoundrel, a violent ruthless person - the sort that would use a rack or cause a rack to be used (not the crockery one) |
in context |
race |
a race, also a run along a wall where sheep are channelled to be graded or separated, a channel that takes water to a mill |
rachle | rackle |
ˈraxl |
a chain, the clanking or rattling of a chain, ramshackle |
in context |
rackle-haunded |
a strong grip, to have strong hands, grip with the strength of chains |
in context |
rach-ma-resshil |
mixed up, higgledy piggledy |
rack |
rak |
stretch, pull, twist, extend, dislocate, inflict pain to oneself or to another, the wooden framed device used to do all that over an afternoon, usually in a castle dungeon, the act of doing all that, all afternoon, also a wooden frame on the wall for crockery etc. |
in context |
rack |
a heavy blow, a shock |
rackon |
reckon, enumerate |
rad | red |
afraid |
radge |
radʒ |
rage madly, violently excited |
in context |
radgin |
radʒ |
raging, furious |
in context |
rae |
re |
roe deer |
raen |
raven |
raep |
reap |
raff | raft |
plenty, a large number, rank growth |
in context |
raff |
short sharp shower accompanied by a gust of wind |
raffie |
generous, well supplied |
raft |
a rafter in the roof |
rag |
rough projection after sawing, |
rag | raggle |
wet mist, light drizzle |
ragabash |
a good for nothing |
in context |
raggit | raggitie |
ragged |
raggle |
cut unevenly or jaggedly |
ragglish |
erratic, uncertain, wild |
lose one's rag |
lose one's temper |
ragweed | ragweid |
ragwort |
raible | reeble |
rabble |
raiglar |
regular |
raik | rake | reck |
rek |
go forward, move, gad about, of animals - range over |
raik | rake |
rake, search amongst (stuff, locations), gathering up |
in context |
raik | rake |
rek |
an accumulation, loads, a hoard, a hoarding person, |
in context |
raip | rape |
rope of straw or such |
rair | roar |
call out loudly, cry profusely - roar an greet |
rairie |
rerɪ |
loud, noisy, drunk, bright |
rairin |
roaring |
raise | rease | raize |
rez |
raise (draw up a summons), arouse, infuriate, state of bad tenper |
raise |
(curling) cause one's own stone to squarely hit another (of one's own) shunting it forward towards the tee |
raised, roosed |
infuriated, wild, over-excited |
raith | rath | reath |
a quarter of a year |
raither |
reðər |
rather |
raivel | ravel | reavel | rael |
ˈrevl |
entangle (thread mainly), speak incoherently, bamboozle |
ram-stam | ram-tam |
headstrong, headlong rush, impetuous, the strongest ale, being drawn from the first mash |
ram |
stuff, drive down, push, shove |
ramagiechan |
raməˈgixən |
big raw boned impetuous person |
rambarre |
beat back, drive back |
rame, raim |
rem |
shout, repeat, recite, rave |
ramfeisle | ramfeezle | ramfoozle |
ramˈfizl |
muddle, confuse, exhaust |
ramgunshoch |
ramˈgʌnʃəx |
surly and boorish |
ramiegeister |
ramɪˈdʒistər |
sharp stroke or blow |
rammage |
storm about, wild, untamed |
rammie | rammy |
a free-for-all, violent disturbance |
rammish | rammis | rammist |
mad, crazy |
rammle |
ˈraml |
ramble, wander, under the influence, obstacle of small crooked tangled branches |
ramp |
romp, burgeoning rambling growth of plants |
ramper eel |
any large eel, the lamprey |
ramps |
wild garlick |
ramscuiter | ramscooter | ramscouter |
ramˈskutər |
beat, drive off in terror |
ramsh |
munch, crunch, rank, unpleasant, course, testy |
in context |
ramskeerie | ramskeiry |
ramˈskirɪ |
wild restless romp |
ramstoorie | ramstoory |
ramˈsturɪ |
a vigorous worker but slapdash - no work like that on the stooryduster site |
ramstouger |
ramˈstugər |
rough in manner, boisterous |
in context |
rance |
diagonal supporting bar on a table or chair |
rancie |
ruddy complexion |
rander | ranner |
hand over, talk idly, ramble, |
randie |
aggressive, belligerent, lawless - also randy, but not neccessarily keeping company while in such a state, with the other meaning |
rankel |
a festering sore |
rannoch |
ˈranəx |
farn, bracken |
ranshackle |
ranˈʃakl |
search minutely, ransack |
rant |
romp, sing a tune, to rollick, fuss, complain |
ranter |
sew, darn or mend roughly |
rantie-tantie |
red-sorrel (edible) |
rantle | rannle |
bar across the chimney from which the chain and pot hook were hung |
rants |
merry meetings; rows. |
rap |
rap, dash, thump, a good for nothing |
hap weel rap weel |
come what may - cover well hit well |
rape |
quick, hasty |
raploch |
ˈraplox |
coarse undyed woollen cloth, homespun |
rapple |
ˈrapl |
grow rapidly |
raptur | rapture |
ˈraptər |
a fit of rage |
rash |
the rush plant, active, agile, rush violently, rash |
rashy |
raʃɪ |
rushy |
rasp |
a raspberry fruit or plant |
in context |
rat |
a rut, groove, scratch |
ratch |
ratʃ |
damage by rough usage |
ratchell |
hard stony crust under the soil |
ratchell-salt |
course salt |
rath |
raθ |
circular earthwork |
rattan | ratton | rottan |
rat |
in context |
rattle |
raʔl |
strike or beat repeatedly |
rauchle |
ˈrɑxl |
loose untidy heap, ramshackle |
raucle | rauchle |
ˈrɑkl |
bold, rash, strong, rough, crude |
raucle haunded |
'having big strong hands', sturdy, relentless, stern, inexorable |
in context |
ravel |
ˈrevl |
railing |
raw | ra | raa |
ˈrɑ |
row |
rax |
raks |
stretch after sleep, reach, pass, go to great effort, over extend, hang a person |
in context |
raze |
gash, tear |
reach |
ritʃ |
retch |
reak | reik | raik |
rik |
reach for, reach, stretch between |
ream | reim | reem |
rim |
cream, foam |
reap | reip |
reap |
reason | raison | reison | rizzon |
ˈrezən |
reason |
rebat |
rəˈbat |
a curt discouraging reply |
rebegeaster |
a stroke with a stick |
rebig |
rebuild |
reboond |
rəˈbund |
rebound |
rebute |
rəˈbøt |
rebuff |
receit | receet | recait |
rəˈsit |
prescription, recipe |
reck | rak | raik |
rɛk |
take heed of, consider |
reclead |
reclothe |
redd | red |
rɛd |
clear, tidy, prepare, arrange, spawn, save from fire, free, rid, relieve |
in context |
redd the hoose |
(curling) clear the target area (move the stone or stones out of the tee area with one fierce shot) |
redd-up |
tidy up |
in context |
ree |
tipsy, delirious, crazy, medium-sized riddle |
reebald |
a scoundrel, a good for nothing |
in context |
reechnie |
rough uncouth person |
reek | reik |
rik |
smoke, vapour, to smoke |
in context |
reekit |
begrimed, blackened, tainted |
in context |
reekie | reikie | reeky |
smoke filled or black with soot |
reekin |
smoking, stinking |
in context |
reel |
whirl, spin, rotate, a name for a type of scottish dance with a minimum of three partners |
ye canna see green cheese but yer een reel |
your eyes are bigger than your stomach, you're greedy |
in context |
reemle |
make a lot of noise |
reenge | reinge |
rindʒ |
range |
reenger | reinger |
rindʒər |
ranger |
in context |
reeshle | reishle | reestle |
ˈriʃl |
rustle |
reest, reist |
cure meat by drying or smoking, arrest, impound, |
reft |
torn, snatched, robbery |
refuise |
ˈrəˈføz |
refuse |
regaird |
ˈrəˈgerd |
regard |
reid | rede | rud |
rid |
red |
in context |
reid-arsie |
ridˈersɪ |
bee with red behind |
reid-gibbie |
stickleback |
reid neb |
red nose |
in context |
reid-nebbit pussy |
the puffin |
reird | rerde | raird |
a roar, a thunderous fart |
in context |
reist | reest |
cure fish etc., frame for curing |
reist | reest |
mould-board of plough |
reive | reave | reve | reif | ryve | rive |
riv |
plunder, pillage, rob, tear |
in context |
reivers | reavers |
plunderers, robbers |
releegion | releigion |
rəˈlidʒən |
religion |
remeid | remeed |
remedy, redress |
remuve |
remove |
renaig |
refuse to do work, shirk |
repone |
rɪˈpon |
restore one to one's previous position |
resile |
withdraw from a contract or agreement |
in context |
respeck |
respect |
in context |
retour |
return |
revel |
severe blow |
rever |
a rover, a target selected at random in archery |
reylock |
robbery |
rheums |
rheumatic pains |
rhyme |
repeat, drone on |
rhymless |
without good reason |
richt |
rɪxt |
right |
in context |
ken the richt side o a shilling |
be knowing with money |
the richt way o't |
the true story |
ricketie |
a wooden rattle |
rickle |
rɪkl |
loose heap, skin and bone person, a small heap of peats, move with a rattling sound |
rickles |
small stacks of corn in the fields. |
riddle |
a coarse seive for separating such as soil and stones |
in context |
rift |
break wind, belch, fart |
in context |
rig | rigg |
the back o backbone, or a ridge, or an extent of land longer than wider |
rigs | riggs |
strips and ridges formed by historic pre industrial ploughing most often noticed via a low sun or on them capturing light drifts of snow in the hollows |
rig-bane |
back bone |
riggin |
rɪgɪn |
roof or the ridge of the roof |
in context |
riggin tree |
the roof ridge beam |
riglin |
undersized or weak animal |
rigs o' rye |
haystacks |
rigwoodie |
subborn, lean, bony |
rime | ryme |
rəim |
hoar frost, frosty haze |
in context |
rimpin |
annoying person or animal |
rimple |
wrinkle, ripple |
rin |
run |
in context |
rin the gless |
used up the allotted time |
rinagate |
ˈrɪ.nəget |
fugitive |
in context |
rind |
rəind |
slat of wood, hoar frost, render, melt down fat etc |
ring |
rɪŋ |
give a resounding blow to around the head, rant |
ringin |
domineering |
rink |
an area marked out for a competition or contest, (curling) the marked out area of play |
ripe |
search thoroughly |
ripp |
a handful of corn from the sheaf |
rippet |
ˈrɪpət |
noisy boisterous uproar |
ripple |
to separate, tear to pieces |
ripplin-kame |
the wool or flax comb |
ripture | riptur |
ˈrɪptər |
rupture |
risk |
make a harsh grating sound |
risp |
file, saw roughly, to grate |
in context |
rissom | rizzom |
single ear of oats |
rive |
raɪv |
to split |
riven | rivven |
Ruthven |
rizzar |
ˈrɪzər |
redcurrant |
road |
track or path metalled or otherwise, a journey or to go, road is often used in Scots similar as to how the word way is used in English |
doon the road |
in the future |
in the road |
in the way, being an obstruction |
roarin |
roaring |
roarin fu |
ˈrorənˈfu |
extremely drunk |
in context |
robbin |
bɑd |
robbing, robbed |
in context |
roch | ruch | rouch |
rɑx |
rough |
rochian | rochle |
ˈroxɪən |
rough, rough person etc. |
in context |
rock |
a distaff, a curling stone, |
rockin |
a social meeting of neighbours |
rodden |
rowan, rowan berries |
roddle |
shake, totter |
roid |
roughly or quickly made |
rone | roan | rhone |
horizontal gutter along the edge of the roof to catch rainwater |
in context |
rone-pipe |
verical pipe that drains the rone |
rook |
ˈruk |
plunder, clean out, indecently overcharge |
in context |
roolyie |
ˈruljɪ |
stir noisily |
roon | roond |
run |
round, in the pub taking turns to buy all the drinks |
in context |
roondaboot |
around, roundabout |
in context |
roost | roust | roosty |
rust, rusty |
in context |
ropach |
ˈropəx |
untidy, dirty |
in context |
roset | rozin |
ˈrozət |
resin, rosin for a bow of a fiddle or other instrument |
rostit | roastit |
roasted |
in context |
rothick |
ˈroðək |
young edible crab |
rothos | rothie |
ˈroθəs |
uproar, a muddle |
rouk | rook | rowk |
ruk |
a mist, fog, vapour, smoke |
in context |
roun |
talk privately, round |
roup | roop | rowp |
rʌup |
sell by public auction, farm sale, also vomit |
roup | roop |
rup |
plunder, rob, severely prune a hedge, dense mist |
roupet |
exhausted in voice |
rouse | rouze | roose | rooze |
ru:z |
rouse, to cause to, or become agitated, move with violence, rise to anger |
in context |
rousie |
ruzɪ |
restless, easily excited, lively |
in context |
rout, root |
roar (seashore), rumble, snore |
routh | rowth |
rʌuθ |
abundance |
routhie |
well-stocked |
rove |
rove, wander in thought or speech, burn well |
row | rowe | rowie |
rʌu |
bread roll, bap |
row |
roll, to roll along |
in context |
rowed |
rolled |
in context |
rowan |
ˈrʌuən |
mountain ash |
rowle |
rjul |
rule |
rowst |
rʌust |
shout, roar, bellow, stir to action |
rowt |
rʌut |
animals bellowing, play a horn, clamour |
rub |
(curling) move a stone slightly aside by another bumping gently against it, rub |
rubbage |
rubbish |
ruckle |
rʌkl |
a rattling roaring sound, death rattle, wrinkle, crease |
in context |
rude |
red complexion, ruddy |
ruff |
drum beat, applaud, stamp |
ruffie | ruffy |
ˈrʌfɪ |
name for a devil, a burning torch |
rug | roug |
rʌg |
pull forcefully, tug |
ruif | rufe |
ruf |
roof |
ruise | roose |
res |
boast, over flatter |
ruit |
rit |
root, dig up like a pig |
rumballiach |
ramˈbalɪəx |
stormy |
in context |
rumgumption |
rʌmˈgʌmpʃən |
common sense |
rummled | reimle |
rʌml |
rumbled, disturbed, stirred up, searched in one's pocket |
in context |
rummlie |
stony loose soil |
rumlieguts |
rʌmlɪˈgʌts |
windbag |
rump |
silverside of beef |
rumple |
the rump, tail of an animal, one's buttocks |
in context |
rumption |
ˈrʌmpʃən |
an uproar |
rumptionous |
ˈrʌmpʃən |
uproarious |
in context |
runaboot |
a vehicle not new nor of the best quality but handy for getting about |
in context |
runch |
rʌnʃ |
crunch, grind the teeth |
run-deils |
downright devils |
rundge | rounge |
rʌndʒ |
gnaw, champ, greedily devour |
rung |
a strong stick, a cudgel |
runk |
bankrupt, a hard withered cabbage stalk |
runkle |
wrinkle, gnarl |
runt, runk |
decayed tree stump, withered stem of a cabbage |
rushyroo |
ˈrʌʃɪru |
shrew |
in context |
rusk |
claw, scratch |
rynd |
rəind |
to belong to, tend to |
rype |
rəip |
ransack, rifle, clean |